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Aluminum Stan

Barry Seymour

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Hey guys!  I'm sorry I've been gone for a bit. I had some mid-size health issues take me off the table for a bit. Then, when I came back, I decided to do THIS.

When you spoof Steely Dan, you really have to bring your A-game, in writing, playing, recording, etc., so this took me longer than originally anticipated.

So here's "Aluminum Stan," rife with more in-jokes than you can shake a guitar at.  (I'm actually thinking of having a contest to see who can find the most! :-D)

Let me know what you think regarding mixing, playing, etc.



Edited by Barry Seymour
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Jam night in an Italian bistro, a jazz cat known for his vamp
He took one look at my Stratocaster, made me plug into his amp
He throttled my volume like a strangler, he put the shade on my light
I was dyin’ to be a rock and roll star, but he wouldn’t let me that night.

Finally out of f-birds to give, I played some rubbishy junk
Schizoid solos, bumbling chords, metaphysical bunk
But Mr. Magictone thought it was genius, he said my playing was hot
“Where did you learn that amazing technique?” He hired me right on the spot

Way cool, old school, midnite cruisers, sneaky and sly is the plan
Kirschwasser, Columbian, zombies and losers, hide in the back of the van
Drive west on Sunset, turn down the music, no one can see it’s a scam
With a cough, I pull it off, I am Aluminum Stan

So I gave up my previous gig, a Seventies soft rock band
The new group’s starting to make a big noise, playing across the land
Eminent hipsters all over the country are analyzing my songs
On Instagram I’m an influencer, something about that’s just wrong

Zoom calls, big balls, concert promotions, playing a gig on the Strand
A two month residency in Lost Wages, six nights at Hakkasan
I’m singing and playing presumptuous nonsense, still I accumulate fans
Soon I’ll be the king of the world, I am Aluminum Stan

I learned to work the guitar, I couldn’t quite play what I feel
(Then) I got a bad case of tour disorder, it got even more unreal
I finally broke down playing at Red Rocks, I floundered and lost my hat
I sang an old song about sailing, I blacked out after that

I came to on the sofa, a jackhammer in my head
Libby came out, she said I’d been tripping, it’s time that I went to bed
Rick Beato had finished on YouTube, I turned off my LEDs

That was a nasty handful of mushrooms, I ain’t takin’ no more of these 
Way cool, old school, too far from Broadway, more than a little bizarre
I threw out my gold teeth, I smell like an ashtray, is there gas in the car?
Gauchos and strangers gone back to Hollywood, I’m stranded in Spokane
My little wild time is over and done, I was Aluminum Stan


Edited by Barry Seymour
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1 hour ago, mark skinner said:

 That was one Killer well written song Barry. I enjoyed Every second of it. That was the 2nd best kazoo solo I've Ever heard.     Fantastic job  !   Hope you're doing well and glad you're back ..                mark



I'm keen to hear the first.

Thanks for the kind words, Mark.

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Good sound to this one.
You come up with unique lyrics for sure. I'm not a big Steelie Dan fan so didn't pick up many in-jokes.
I do know they named themselves after a dil*do  but didn't see anything about that. Maybe I missed it.   ?

Edited by bjornpdx
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