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a new rock tune, 2nd posted version- "running Free"

bats brew

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i don't recall the instrumental but this version is, like all your material, virtually state of the art production and mix quality (the only things missing are the CD's and vinyl albums themselves)....the song itself is not in my current wheelhouse but hear (pun intended) goes....the energy of the piece and the melodic senses it communicates and structures are all great...ready for market imho ????

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19 hours ago, Larry T. said:

i don't recall the instrumental but this version is, like all your material, virtually state of the art production and mix quality (the only things missing are the CD's and vinyl albums themselves)....the song itself is not in my current wheelhouse but hear (pun intended) goes....the energy of the piece and the melodic senses it communicates and structures are all great...ready for market imho ????

hey thanks for the pep talk larry!!

heheh, i don't know about 'market', don't know if there IS a market!

but glad you dig the mix. thanks for listening

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Hi Bat

heheh, i don't know about 'market', don't know if there IS a market!

Never a truer word said my friend!!!


I Like the track, really does remind me of Wishbone Ash (good thing)

Great Guitars but agree with Baps that the drums sound a little weak compared to the stellar guitars






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The solo at the end was certainly worth waiting for! This mix passes the crappy phone speaker test with flying colors. Great guitar work as always. Vocals have a Yes-esque anthemic quality that I really dig.  Always great stuff from you and this is no exception.

Edited by Kevin Walsh
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On 4/11/2022 at 6:02 PM, Bapu said:

Translates pretty good on my Sennheiser HD598's.

Personal crit: the drums are not very fat, They're kind of thin to my ears.

hi bapu!

the hd598's sound good to me... i have the sennheiser jubilees, sort of similar...


the drums can't be as fat as i'd like because they are masking the bass.

i found a happy medium between the two where the energy level is still high,

but the mud is dialed out.


this is just the first mix,

so i'm still working on it,

and i'll go back and see how much of the 'meat' of the drums i can dial back into it.

i did favor the 'whack' of the drums over the boom, just because of that issue...

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On 4/12/2022 at 10:02 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Bat

heheh, i don't know about 'market', don't know if there IS a market!

Never a truer word said my friend!!!


I Like the track, really does remind me of Wishbone Ash (good thing)

Great Guitars but agree with Baps that the drums sound a little weak compared to the stellar guitars






hi nigel!

thanks for listening.

you know, the drums, in solo, just sound huge to me...

there is more room info there i could bring in, to create the 'fatter' effect........


i'm on the fence about how dry to mix drums these days, i like a bit of natural ambience, and god knows, the superior drummer program offers tons of that!!

but i have kits created in vocal booths, big wooden rooms, marble rooms, live rooms...

lots of rooms available.

and yet, some of my favorite pro release drums mixes are bone dry. go figure!

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 I Love the vocals in this one. There's a few spots where the harmony choices remind me of the group "Yes".  I think this is one of your best ones. As far as the drums , it seemed to me like from 2:23 to the end , it was more apparent they needed some phat.      Great song ..   mark     

edit:  I missed the response from Kevin Walsh about the "Yes" reference.  I guess it is Confirmed and a Really good thing.  I also searched for the instrumental version with no luck..  I was just curious how you transformed it into this Great mix that sounds like it was written with the vocals in mind.  Different title ??       Thanks  ..  mark

Edited by mark skinner
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On 4/12/2022 at 5:14 PM, Kevin Walsh said:

The solo at the end was certainly worth waiting for! This mix passes the crappy phone speaker test with flying colors. Great guitar work as always. Vocals have a Yes-esque anthemic quality that I really dig.  Always great stuff from you and this is no exception.

hey kevin! yea, that solo was fun,

it was def not charted out! right off the cuff, as they mostly all should be. 

glad blackmore didn't wing the 'highway star' solo tho!! heheh


thank you for listening

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On 4/14/2022 at 1:44 PM, mark skinner said:

 I Love the vocals in this one. There's a few spots where the harmony choices remind me of the group "Yes".  I think this is one of your best ones. As far as the drums , it seemed to me like from 2:23 to the end , it was more apparent they needed some phat.      Great song ..   mark     

edit:  I missed the response from Kevin Walsh about the "Yes" reference.  I guess it is Confirmed and a Really good thing.  I also searched for the instrumental version with no luck..  I was just curious how you transformed it into this Great mix that sounds like it was written with the vocals in mind.  Different title ??       Thanks  ..  mark

howdy how mark!

glad you dig the vox. i turned down the drums on purpose, at the end section, to match the intensity of the music.

plus, to give the ears a break.... the song builds to a point where the line 'lovers we portray' happens, and then it needs to breath a bit.


with the drums slamming away during the breakdown part, they sound out of place to me.

maybe, i should turn the music down around the drums even further?


the instrumental version, would have just been a 'pre' version of the song with vocals.

i often write the music first, and i'm always thinking in terms of melodies, so almost any of my songs could be turned into intrumentals, or vice versa.


i don't have the instrumental version up anywhere anymore. i rarely leave stuff posted, unless it is for sale.

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On 4/15/2022 at 9:00 AM, KSband said:

Catchy song and great playing as always.  On my system the mix sounds midrange heavy, the bass disappears a bit while the guitars are up front.


thanks for listening ksband!


above, is the frequency chart for this mix.

you'll see, that at about 275hz, the peaks gently draw downward as the frequency goes up...

there is a big dip at 460hz to tame some masking and buildup...

but that the actual midrange (500 Hz to 2 kHz) is lower than the low end,

as it should be for this kind of mix.

now, if the mix i have is wrong, in terms of riding the bass guitar part, i get that... i'm still tweaking that part of the mix.

but the graph does not show a buildup of midrange frequencies... i'd suggest that it might be your monitoring system or listening space.

i prolly got the mix wrong! heheh, i don't doubt it...


i'll focus on that bass mix. thanks!


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On 4/15/2022 at 2:37 PM, John Vere said:

Great song once again love it all. But on my Yamaha NMS10's the bass is to low. Might be what Ed was getting at. It's very close, but just a nudge of the low end around 100hz? lower? 


hi john! thank you for listening, and commenting...

on my previous answer above, you can see the actual frequency response of this mix,

obviously i favor deeper lows than you guys,

but i think there is plenty of low end here...

maybe it's not really lows you are missing, 

but some 2nd or 3rd harmonic content you are used to hearing?

and aren't Yamaha NMS10's a motorcycle?! ?


i know the old yamaha ns10's were notoriously bass lite...

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Yes they are world famous for their lack of bass but after using them for 3 decades this works to my advantage. If I don’t hear the notes of the bass or the attack of the kick then this usually translates on to the majority of playback systems as correct information. Speakers with lots of bass might fool you into thinking you have the correct amount of bass in your mix. 
I have a sub woofer I can turn on to check my low end for artifacts. 
So to me that dip at 500 is what I am hearing as that’s exactly the focal point of bass and kick

It will probably involve EQ of the two instruments to give each its own frequencies. I sometimes will try a different kick sample. 

Edited by John Vere
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