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Hi AB I always like your melodies and songs ( i always think of the kinks ), really liked the loose recording I wouldve doubled recorded  the backing  harmonies, although they were a tick out in places.......I  cant talk though, getting harmonies right is always one of my biggest problems and takes me hours , looking at the credits your a one man band like myself so I can empathise  cheers nice one P

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is it just me, or is the link gone?

As always well written and produced, and
generally I find nothing to say but "well done, I enjoyed it" ABull.
But, there are some pitch issues in the vocals in this one.


Edited by DeeringAmps
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On 3/31/2022 at 4:55 PM, Paul Bush said:

Hi AB I always like your melodies and songs ( i always think of the kinks ), really liked the loose recording I wouldve doubled recorded  the backing  harmonies, although they were a tick out in places.......I  cant talk though, getting harmonies right is always one of my biggest problems and takes me hours , looking at the credits your a one man band like myself so I can empathise  cheers nice one P

Hey Paul. glad you like it -- thanks for listening & commenting -- ;) -- Allan.

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On 4/1/2022 at 11:27 AM, mark skinner said:

 I Really like the light hearted smooth feel of this song.  Great lyrics/Great writing !  Reminded me a little of some early works by Stephen Bishop.   Very Nice ..   mark

Hey Mark, thank you for those for those kind words -- much appreciated -- Allan.

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I like the song but I totally agree the out of tune vocals are distracting. 15 years ago I would have said nothing, but now we have software like Melodyne it's not much effort to at least pull them in a bit closer to pitch.  I totally avoided this up until about 2 years ago and I finally caved in and purchased the basic version for $100.

I watched the videos on the Celemony website and finally figured out how it worked. Well, much better than before, and I think the more I use it the  results have been slowly improving and I've become very comfortable now. I'm just working on a basic tutorial on my Workflow for Lead and Harmony. I also might use it on a lead guitar track If I hit a blooper. My version doesn't do chords. 

The tool that straightens out the wiggly lines is dangerous. If you over do it you sound like a robot. A lot of modern music seems to rely on this effect. So for my lead vocal I use it sparingly, but for harmonies I use it to the max.   I can also move notes around both timing and pitch to get great results. You can get away with heavy editing of harmonies but on lead vocals it will trash things pretty quickly. I even had one song where I duplicated the lead vocal and transposed some of it into a 3rd part of a harmony. 

Anyways,  keep up the great work recording music is fun. And half the fun is trying new stuff and experimenting with the toys! 

Edited by John Vere
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The Melodyne question is an interesting one and I think I've seen Allan state before that he prefers not to use pitch correction. Personally, I'd never inflict my raw vocal on anybody ? but I have nothing but complete admiration for anyone prepared to put their singing up for critique on a public forum - whether they choose to use pitch correction or not.

Ultimately I think we have to leave it to the artist to choose but I would agree with John that Melodyne is a highly capable bit of software in skilled hands; but it's easy to overcook it.


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