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EZ Drummer 3 Pre-Order NOW LIVE!

Larry Shelby

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7 hours ago, jackson white said:

it appears i'm just going to have to buy SD3 and try it. the only "sales" i can recall are getting a free expansion when buying the core program at full price. any heads up on easing the pain would be appreciated.

My crossgrade price for SD3 is 319.00. Non crossgrade price is 399.99.  I'm really a plugin ***** just like everyone else here ?. I seldom buy stuff because I need it. I sometimes buy stuff because I might need it. Maybe the difference between me and possibly others is I have the time to wait for a deal. Hopefully Toontrack will offer a better deal on SD3 or BDF3 will finally get things working better.  Until then I'm still more than ok on drums. I believe it's all been done before just using different itinerations.

Frankly , when I went to the Toontrack LM no one tried to sell me anything and no deals were offered from it directly. This stands in contrast to so  many other LM systems that at the very least throw a carrot or two out there. The EZ Drummer 3 update isn't even mentioned. If you missed the email *was going to add a shrug emoji here but there isn't one*

I see ways to make the whole process more interesting, especially for a drummer who knows their stuff. I watched a video yesterday where someone took a ST4 multi and tied midi channels to it to build a drum kit. This is something i had never thought of before. Not sure why, because it is done in Kontakt all the time, however ST4 includes one killer Neil Pert kit among others. Break it up. Use some of that and some of a kit in Kontakt or load up different kits in UNIFY...or...or....or :)

I guess this is what most want to get away from. There are many ways of working drums into a mix, and the kicker is ( no pun intended...well ok if it works maybe).....

The KICKER is - I could take a recording of me hitting the bottom of a cardboard box, sample it, drop it into a track with something like boz sasquatch kick machine and have everyone believing I sampled a real kick. You know, the stuff that shakes headliners in tricked Toyotas loose in LA. BOOM! ;)

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14 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

I'm sure they lack the "depth" of the SD3 kits.

that's what I was afraid of. they list a DW kit in EZD2 but not in SD3, so i'm assuming it's the EZD2 sounds, only accessible in SD. 

14 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

ability to adjust the various levels, EQ and other settings for every drum, cymbal, etc. 

some of this sounds like "mixer" stuff which shouldn't be an issue as my templates route everything to the DAW.  I make pretty extensive use of the Model/Tech panels in BFD and it looks like SD3 has some of the basics (pitch, velocity, etc) but missing others (i.e. resonance, damping, bleeds, articulation twks, etc). i'm assuming EZD2 does not have these at all, which seems to render demoing it a moot point...

got some work to do.

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7 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

a better deal on SD3 or BDF3 will finally get things working better

?. the problem I have with BFD atm is the random deauthorization of everything i've ever bought, which is everything before InMusic screwed things up. I got burnt twice now doing remote sessions (with limited/sketchy internet access). first time no drums for a week, the second time, had to drive 4 hours to get access for reauthorization (we were up in the mountains during the winter...) It's a showstopper (and a felony in all but one state in the US given the investment).  

and... it's been over a year now and -still- no solution.  i need something i can count on as things start to open back up.  the reason i'm wearing this out is I had budgeted for a CPU upgrade and a SD3 starter kit would cost more than that 

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1 hour ago, jackson white said:

?. the problem I have with BFD atm is the random deauthorization of everything i've ever bought,

Just out of curiosity, are you signing in to InMusic or the TM before you try to use BFD? If you are don't, after everything is set up, leave the LM alone, unless you are installing a new expansion, and no need to sign in to the InMusic site. Just be set up and be on your way, It's what I do, I don't and haven't signed into anything since I loaded my last expansion. Zero problems online or off.

Also, have you made sure that you are running the latest version of the LM, v3053, after installing BFD3 it reverts the LM back to v3052, it would be wise to then reinstall the latest v3053 over top.

Edited by Heath Row
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45 minutes ago, Heath Row said:

Just out of curiosity, are you signing in to InMusic or the TM before you try to use BFD? If you are don't, after everything is set up, leave the LM alone, unless you are installing a new expansion, and no need to sign in to the InMusic site. Just be set up and be on your way, It's what I do, I don't and haven't signed into anything since I loaded my last expansion. Zero problems online or off.

I've had random unauthorisations  so you can't just 'leave the LM alone'

In fact I think Drew suggested (on the BFD forum) you periodically run it to refresh everything - but as we've seen sometimes that fails, for various reasons.  At the very least you need to run it every 90 days, but even then you can't be sure that the authorisations will last another 90 days.

I'm not trying to deny that you're having zero problems.  The random nature of some peoples experiences compared to others is part of the problem I think.

Edited by simon
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2 minutes ago, Heath Row said:

I'm just saying what has and still does work for me. Take it or leave it, no skin off my nose.

of course - we are all just trying to help each other ?️ but I'm not sure how you can leave the LM alone if your products are showing unauthorised ?  Are you saying there is another way to authorise without using the LM ?


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4 hours ago, jackson white said:

?. the problem I have with BFD atm is the random deauthorization of everything i've ever bought, which is everything before InMusic screwed things up. I got burnt twice now doing remote sessions (with limited/sketchy internet access). first time no drums for a week, the second time, had to drive 4 hours to get access for reauthorization (we were up in the mountains during the winter...) It's a showstopper (and a felony in all but one state in the US given the investment).  

and... it's been over a year now and -still- no solution.  i need something i can count on as things start to open back up.  the reason i'm wearing this out is I had budgeted for a CPU upgrade and a SD3 starter kit would cost more than that 

I hear ya man. I hope you can get what you need. I haven't given up on BFD yet but I haven't had the time to go back and beg for my zilgian collection.

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14 hours ago, Heath Row said:

Just out of curiosity, are you signing in to InMusic or the TM before you try to use BFD?

just opening projects and wondering why i can't hear any drums when I hit play.  

hmmm... LM here. need to check on what the diff is, but wondering if it was some Mac specific update? Or noted as "beta" and only for a specific issue? 


13 hours ago, simon said:

I've had random unauthorisations  so you can't just 'leave the LM alone'

about a month or so ago, I had everything deauthorized 3x over a weekend. (well, not everything, but for sure the kits loaded into the projects.) it was easy enough to  reauthorize as I had good internet access at the time. the problem is there is -no- clue as to when this happens or how to pro-actively manage it on a schedule.  

11 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

zilgian collection.

? Zildjian Digital Vault no. 1 working here.  have you hit Drew up for an updated sn?


i heard something i liked in the hhs for SD3, so maybe some consolation, but the change is going to be painful...

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On 4/8/2022 at 3:40 PM, simon said:

I got excited because they also offer the Ezdrummer lite to Ezdrummer 2 upgrade for $112 (after using VIP10 discount code).  But unfortunately even though they allow you to see prices in USD once you get to last step they say they cannot ship outside of UK eventhough its a digital purchase …. :(

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19 minutes ago, kevin H said:

Good idea.  Was more related to billing address.  Maybe can think of a way around it :)

Did you try PayPal? I think the billing address stays between you and PayPal unless you are required to sign up for an account at the reseller site and give your actual address. Which they do not actually need, since it's a download only.

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Just now, abacab said:

Did you try PayPal? I think the billing address stays between you and PayPal unless you are required to sign up for an account at the reseller site and give your actual address. Which they do not actually need, since it's a download only.

PayPal is what I was using initially but it seems to have worked now.  I changed the key of the song and changed style.  Instead of an Eagles type song it is now a Rolling Stones song ?   This addressed the shipping issue. I’m trying not to give away all my secrets so speaking in code hahah

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Update:  Inta-audio refunded me the money. I thought it was because of my Rolling Stone arrangement but turns out Toontrak discontinued upgrades from Ezdrummer lite to Ezdrummer so no serial numbers available. So only route is to buy ezdrummer2 and upgrade for free to ezdrummer3.  

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4 hours ago, abacab said:

Only 1 week left to get the pre-order deal! :)

This keeps tempting me. I own the first ezDrummer (and SD2), so I qualify for the upgrade pricing.  I didn't upgrade to SD3 during the brief period where Toontrack basically said upgrade now during our timeline or we'll never extend upgrading pricing again -- which, as someone who's a marketing pro who's worked with literally at least a couple dozen music software companies,  I find an incredibly customer disloyal tactic. The full price for SD3 is really high relative to competitors and beyond my music budget. Consequently, I'm hoping that ToonTrack offers upgrade pricing for all previous SD owners like they are doing with ezDrummer 3. But if they don’t,  offer upgrade pricing for SD4 I'm going to be super bummed. What to do,  what to do..  Do others here getting this have both EzDrummer and SD? What to do. What to do...

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8 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

This keeps tempting me. I own the first ezDrummer (and SD2), so I qualify for the upgrade pricing.  I didn't upgrade to SD3 during the brief period where Toontrack basically said upgrade now during our timeline or we'll never extend upgrading pricing again -- which, as someone who's a marketing pro who's worked with literally at least a couple dozen music software companies,  I find an incredibly customer disloyal tactic. The full price for SD3 is really high relative to competitors and beyond my music budget. Consequently, I'm hoping that ToonTrack offers upgrade pricing for all previous SD owners like they are doing with ezDrummer 3. But if they don’t,  offer upgrade pricing for SD4 I'm going to be super bummed. What to do,  what to do..  Do others here getting this have both EzDrummer and SD? What to do. What to do...

Yes, got it and already have SD3. It will have some features not available yet in SD3

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