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freeze/unfreeze multiple tracks at once

John Bradley

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I routinely keep nearly all tracks frozen in order to keep my steam-powered PC happy. Sometimes, I need to unfreeze everything in order to make some structural change (e.g., the guitar solo isn't long enough, need to add more repetitions of the backing tracks). Then I need to freeze everything again, particularly if I need to record some more and need to be able to run at low latency.

It'd be really handy if I could select multiple tracks and choose "Freeze" or "Unfreeze" to do all of them at once. Not in parallel simultaneously (though I wouldn't say no if that were possible), but sequentially without my further intervention. 

Bulk Unfreeze isn't critical, given how fast that is. Though it'd still be nice not to have to click each track one at a time.

But Freeze can easily take a minute or two per track, and it'd be great if I could wander off and do something else, rather than sit at the DAW waiting for each track to render so I can start up the next. Tedious.


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I always run in 'narrow all strips' mode, so there's no room for such there... but I don't see any reason why the  track number / bus letter selector areas of the console strips shouldn't have the same context menu as they do up in the tracks pane.

Which has a 'freeze' command in it.

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...though I see that in order to freeze multiple tracks at once, one needs to hold CTRL and hit the often-not-visible-and-only-in-the-tracks-pane-anyway asterisk button.

Selecting multiple tracks, holding CTRL, and meandering through the context menu to Freeze Track only freezes the track that was right-clicked in order to open the context menu.

It seems like it should follow the "but I'm holding CTRL down!" quick-group dealie. Feature requested!

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47 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

If something's not obeying Quick Group rules, it should be "bug reported."?

If something's not obeying Quick Group rules. Try it with Ctrl+Shift instead of using with only Ctrl. Then it should be "bug reported." 

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12 hours ago, John Bradley said:

...though I see that in order to freeze multiple tracks at once, one needs to hold CTRL and hit the often-not-visible-and-only-in-the-tracks-pane-anyway asterisk button.

Selecting multiple tracks, holding CTRL, and meandering through the context menu to Freeze Track only freezes the track that was right-clicked in order to open the context menu.

It seems like it should follow the "but I'm holding CTRL down!" quick-group dealie. Feature requested!

The Quick Group list on page 1044 of the PDF manual includes Freeze.

But... Freeze button is missing the right-click Group function, and holding Ctrl key while clicking any Freeze button will only freeze that track. 

HOWEVER! Selecting multiple tracks and THEN holding Ctrl while clicking ONE Freeze button freezes ALL selected tracks.

Fastest way to select multiple tracks is put them in a Folder and click the invisible button "E".


BTW, the "asterisk" is really a snow flake. :)

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5 hours ago, sjoens said:

HOWEVER! Selecting multiple tracks and THEN holding Ctrl while clicking ONE Freeze button freezes ALL selected tracks.

Yes, I know that (now) thanks to msmcleod. I'm talking about the Freeze command in the context menu. If you select multiple tracks and hold CTRL (or SHIFT+CTRL) while selecting the Freeze command via the context menu, it only freezes a single track, not all the selected tracks.

Why not just ctrl-click the asterisk-snowflake button?

It's not visible unless I explicitly 'open' the track, whereas the right-click context menu is always available. Also, I was asking for that same context menu to be available from the console strips by right clicking on their number/letter 'selector' boxes. It should be possible to do tracky operations (freeze, insert, delete, etc.)  from the console, especially since the console displays far more tracks at once than the track pane, at least in my normal split "track pane in top half, console in bottom half" view.


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That would be a nice addition if a button never materializes.

A workaround for Track View would be create a "custom" track layout in Track Control Manager and remove the MSR & Edit Filter buttons so the Track State buttons come first.

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On 4/13/2022 at 3:14 AM, sjoens said:

A workaround for Track View would be create a "custom" track layout in Track Control Manager and remove the MSR & Edit Filter buttons so the Track State buttons come first.

Do you know that you can drag the controls in the Track Header around to re-order them? I have it set up so that when minimized, my favorite controls are visible.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm trying to freeze/unfreeze individual tracks...

I have 1 track in a group of 5 tracks.  When I click on the "*" for any one of those tracks, it freezes all of them.  When I click "*" on the track I do NOT want frozen, all 5 of them unfreeze.

I need to be able to unfreeze only select tracks and not groups of tracks.  How can I do this?

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1 hour ago, Ben Grauer said:

I have 1 track in a group of 5 tracks.

Okay, when you say "group," what do you mean by that? "Group" in Cakewalk, to my knowledge, refers to two things: grouping clips and Quick Group, which is when you select multiple tracks, then hold Ctrl while manipulating their controls.

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2 hours ago, Ben Grauer said:

I need to be able to unfreeze only select tracks and not groups of tracks.  How can I do this?

You can't. Because it seems that these tracks belongs to the same synth. The command name is "Freeze Synth". So all tracks belongs to that synth freezes automatically when you click freeze one of them. 

"Freeze Track" command is for Audio Tracks. It bounces the Audio with all the FX on the track.

So we need a command like "Freeze Instrument Track" which is not yet available.

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