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PC Problem


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The computer I use for the internet and CbB is not well.
I was doing a little maintenance on it yesterday and saw there were some optional updates ready. I clicked 'download' and continued to surf. 

When I was done, i saw that the update progress bar was still at 0% an hour later. I had things to do so I clicked the power button and set it to update and restart and went to run my errands.

Three hours later I returned and the box was frozen on the screen shown below. I let it run for a couple more hours with no change. Eventually, I turned it off with the physical power button.

Awhile later, I switched it back on and got "Preparing to Repair" and "Diagnosing PC" messages after which it went back to the update attempt and froze again. I let it run over night, still frozen.

Is there any way in BIOS to make it start without trying to complete the update, which causes the freeze? Win 10, updated from 7, can't get the version right now, as the thing is still locked up. I can get to BIOS via F10 when restarting. Then what?



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If you have Win10 installed, there is a way to get to a repair mode and select a restore point. That is if you made a restore point recently. 

If not, you should have the option to "Repair" and keep all your data and programs.

This repair option should be on the USB install of Win10 

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Unfortunately, everything I did led back to the 'trying to update and then freezing' debacle.
So, I went with the nuclear option.

Just got done with reloading Windows (resetting), and everything seems to be working. Fortunately, I don't have a huge number of programs on this box or a Bapu amount of plug-ins, so it was relatively painless.

It's not a great computer, but it's what I have and is certainly faster than the laptop I was using at the beginning of this fred.

Oh, don't forget to back up and set a restore point!

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The obvious solution is you need a new guitar! ?


Ok, ok...  One actual thing to make sure is working is your hard drive!  If one is acting up, you can get the boot to hang as well (though it definitely sounds like a faulty update).

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15 hours ago, craigb said:

The obvious solution is you need a new guitar! ?

Ok, ok...  One actual thing to make sure is working is your hard drive!  If one is acting up, you can get the boot to hang as well (though it definitely sounds like a faulty update).

Well, duh. I always need a new guitar.
When I got the attempting to repair dialog, there was something about the drive being repaired, it did so then attempted to update, froze.

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15 hours ago, craigb said:

Ok, ok...  One actual thing to make sure is working is your hard drive!  If one is acting up, you can get the boot to hang as well (though it definitely sounds like a faulty update).

I check the disc every now and then, and it has always been "healthy", so I don't know what it was repairing. It says it's healthy now, too, FWIW.

1 hour ago, Old Joad said:

That sucks..

Just a little. 

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  • 7 months later...

It happened to my internet computer again. Same symptoms, frozen screen while updating... for hours. This time I saved all my junk before nuking the OS, 21 disks! Reset the thing to like new... but "like new" is Windows 7, and it won't let me update anything, natch, since 7 isn't supported anymore. I can't even get on the web, except for links on the MSN homepage. Even though I previously upgraded to 8 and then 10, frankly I don't want to mess with it.
Time to put a bullet in this box. It's 12 years old (or so).
My late Uncle Donald had several computers, so it looks like I'll be getting one of those. Only a couple of  years old with native W 10. Hope it's not password protected. ?
On my slow laptop now.

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