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Simon's Song


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I wrote this song when I was 19 years old and finally got around to recording it in my home studio.
Its demo stage at the moment... and I need to separate all the instruments as its quite muddy.
I would value your thoughts and comments.



Edited by garybrun
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Hi Mate, you have a nice tune here with a great story line so all good there, I feel as if the instruments have been mixed as one track without any sub mix to eq and bring the whole thing out. The guitar playing is good the squeeze box is on the money and the beat fits .... it may be my old ears or the cans, but it sounds a bit muddy, even through the monitors there's a mid range cloudiness. I've seen your gear so I know you can bring this out a bit, and your correct IMO about the vox being too harsh ...that said Iike this a lot but I feel it could do with another mix ... hope that helps but it's only my thinking ...and you did ask for ops on it.

All the best


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Nice song you got there Gary. Agree with Steve on the mix. Could use another go at it to bring things out more clearly. All instruments sound good, and like Steve said, the squeeze box sounds good. Like it will be one of the highlights of the song if you can get it to stand out a little more without overpowering the strumming guitar, which has a good tone to it. Maybe add a little more mid-highs to it? IDK, just thinking what I would reach for if I was sitting at the desk!

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Thanks so much for the comments... very helpful.
When I ask for comments you dont hurt my feelings ... as I want it all full barrel.
This is why I post here.

Its OK having all the gear...  but you also need the ability.
I am finding it hard with the accordion and dont have a reference track to relate too!

Edited by garybrun
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Hey catchy little number you have hear. The 19 yr old mind was certainly a good story songteller.

I was going to point out the compressed on the vocals but you got there first.

Dunno if you are up for arrangement ideas, but it might be cool for the first four bars of the intro, just a capella vocals. Then the instrumentation sparse, then the drums as you have them. 

The vocals are nice and hooky. It has a 60s feel, which, doing the math, makes perfect sense ?

Edited by emeraldsoul
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Yup...  I've revolved around the sun 55 times  ?
I'll give the arrangement ideas ago for sure...
Thanks for listening.

I just can not seem to get the accordion sounding correctly.
Most instruments I hear in my mind and can get... if you understand what I mean...  but the accordion I cant seem to get to fit in.
Its recorded OK.. but the tone of it.  Would you mix the same as a piano?
I've tried 800hz boost and also cut.. I just dont get it!!
I can bring it out front..  but it doesnt sound correct and warm as I want it.
I've restarted the mix about 8 times...  just leaves me with a blank.

Also with all the latest techno software..  Nutron 3 and mix checker etc...  when checked against their recommendations its correct.
Blinded by science!!
Think I need to give it a rest for a while.

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Hi Gary,

Can I take it that your recording the real instrument?  If so, it maybe your Mic, and that said I would use a condenser (or two) as it would have a crisper result than a dynamic.  From there I would try two tracks or possibly even three and use the full spectrum for the LRC,  applying some delicate EQ to the L&R recording and all but removing the lower range on the center track might be the feel your looking for .. I would suggest that this mix be put on a separate bus so as to fine tune it to where it will sit in the mix, and then to home and out.


All that said it's a great song! and if the guys here like it (me also) and your not selling it ... Don't knock yourself out just have fun ?

All the best


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22 minutes ago, garybrun said:

Thanks Spak...  good ideas.
I want to knock myself out as I want to get better and understand it.
Im going to add three tracks with the recording I have.. and try the LRC idea...  very good... thanks.


Try taking it out of the song completely and make a second attempt at getting the feel of what's happening to the sound as you play around with it. I never like commenting like this as it looks a bit big headed and with all the talent here I'm a long way down the food chain but given time I know you'll get it right. Just a thing, the song I've just put up took me approximately 4 weeks to mix ...so I know it's hard but hopefully fun  ............. hopefully:/

OOoo yes Just to say that's a smashing pic on SC you look real happy ....

Edited by SPAK
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Thanks SpaK... great advice.  
I don't see you as being big headed at all.
As I have said I ask for advice and comments... 

I wont people to be like my monitor speakers  ?


The picture on SC is from my TV show on History Channel  "Hoard Hunters"
I think that was taken after I found a 40bc Gold coin  ?

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To my ears I think you've nailed it on the old squeeze box ... next I think you need to address the drum EQ by taking out some of the bass and separating the kit a little ...  remix and you are done! well done m8


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