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FR: visual feedback of note/instrument in Drum Grid View

Starship Krupa

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When I have the Piano Roll View open in its default configuration, with the piano keys at the left, I can press a key on my MIDI controller and the piano key corresponding to the note I am playing is indicated visually, by the key taking on a darker appearance. This is useful for being able to quickly determine where to draw notes in the PRV:


Unfortunately, such is not the case when the PRV is displaying the Drum Grid. You may wonder why I would need to have "snare" light up when it's obvious by listening that I'm playing the snare, but I have multiple drum machines that map samples and patterns across octaves in addition to the usual kick, snare, clap, toms, hats, etc. I can play a key, and the sample sound or pattern will come out of the monitors, but it's not obvious looking at the drum grid which key I'm pressing and therefore which row to draw my notes:


In the above screen shot, you see that I'd have to find the row corresponding to the pattern I'm playing through trial-and-error.

It would be much easier if the instrument names at the left could similarly highlight like they do when the piano keys are showing.

Unfortunately the other way to get my drum names showing on the left is to use a drum names instrument map, which also doesn't have this visual indication of pressed notes.

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