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David Sprouse

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Some fun to be had here, sounds very lighthearted . . . though, I guess I should feel sorry for the dog. There are some echo sounds that kind of sound like barking. In the opening there's a fun marimba or xylophone thing panned left . . . I wish that could be louder.

Yes, a very likeable piece  . . . and there's that rah rah arpeggio in the middle that made me chuckle as well, glad you kept that in, reminded me of the theme from mighty mouse.

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I liked how it started straight and then slowly a shuffle evolved. Or did I imagine that? Sonically rather compelling, not sure how the house picture relates. The filters at the very end were fun!

I don't t know how well the yoga studio would react to this lively number ? 

Thanks for the fun listen!

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David, this is the sound I imagine my brain making if someone suggests doing yoga to me - as it goes into fight or flight mode and tells me I need to find a sharp exit! ?

Enjoyed the listen though, some interesting instrumentation and unexpected changes. The percussion track kept it all together - cleverly done 


Edited by AndyB01
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Yoga - bad memories for me - my wife decided we should take it up after Christmas - the only draw back was that it started at 5.45 in the morning!! Now I'm not a morning person (understatement some may say!!)   so my time doing downward facing dogs didn't last too long? 

and I think this track sums up doing Yoga at such an unholy time in the morning - love it!!



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