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Weird display issues


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34 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

@winkpain - any recent graphics driver updates?

You could also try running Cakewalk using the internal Intel graphics card to see if its any different.

FWIW,  I've got Cakewalk running on an 3rd gen i7 and 3rd gen i5, both running at 3.4GHz, and both using the onboard graphics,  and have no issues with either, hence my suggestion.

I started having the issue, then updated my NVIDIA card but continue to have the issue. I believe the NVIDIA card is my onboard graphics card... It is a laptop, built by PCAudioLabs, and the NVIDIA card is the only adapter mentioned in the system. I am aware of no other, unless it is perhaps made available thru the BIOS...

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1 hour ago, Kevin Perry said:

So a 128GB drive with 128GB free works fine; a 1 TB drive with the same free doesn't?  

? Kevin ? Wow! ??‍♂️ I'm just gona scroll to another topic . . . Wow! Just wow! ??‍♂️

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1 hour ago, John Vere said:

 First unless you’re scoring a movie sound track, normal projects on a computer with lots of RAM should not be using HD space. 

You do realize that when memory cant handle the strain anymore it seeks memory from somewhere else, right? 

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1 hour ago, John Vere said:

All I had at the time was a 120GB SSD. After I had installed W10 home and CbB and all my free plug in’s it was sitting at about 50%. Mostly some of the sample libraries. 
It now has over 300 CWP files on it and sitting at about 75 %. 

And here you're saying exactly what I had been explaining.  

1 hour ago, John Vere said:

It’s definitely slower than my main DAW 

Ta-da! I think its name is Bingo . . . Which often causes issues in project like seen in the OP's video. This is because it doesn't refresh quick enough. 

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You guys seem to be having your own discussion not necessarily related to the OP's issue. That being me, I will re-iterate that the issue as shown in the original video only occurred once in a single session and has not reoccurred so perhaps is not entirely relevant, for what that's worth. This remaining issue that this post is about is better shown in this, however crappy, video taken with phone. (When trying to capture with ScreenToGIF the resulting video does not show the extraneous lines for some reason.

seen here - https://imgur.com/kgFcWFF


This discussion as it has developed, while perhaps providing fodder for some of your own personal issues and opinions, does not however provide me with any convincing proof that what you discuss necessarily has anything to do with my problem as presented here. It's nice to know that folks are out there, tho! ?

Edited by winkpain
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