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America, Have We Forgotten? Song & Video


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Hi John,

I think the song is driven well by the primary ideas behind it. Being an American I am sometimes saddened by the inner turmoil here. Sad thing 9-11. I sympathize with your message.

The music fits the lyrics well.I especially liked the bass parts in places. Did you play these on a real bass? Thanks for sharing!

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Hi Starise and thanks for the review.  This came from my heart.  Not only do I feel sympathy for the victims and their survivors, but I actually weep for the flag.  It's not a symbol of hate.  It's a symbol of freedom.  It deserves more respect than what it's been getting lately. 

Actually, the bass is the Trilian Bass module, one of Spectrasonics's great musical toys.  I've just recently learned how to do slides.  It's an awesome thing.


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Nothing wrong with being patriotic! And loving the flag.

The melody of your song has some very tasty intervals - nice leaps that land in some sweet places.

I think also your cadence of lyrics is more measured here, which is great. No spots where a lot of words rush out of the old pipes in a short amount of time. Excellent phrasing!




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yo sloop

you are a musically prodigious sort

and you wear your heat on your sleeve

that is why i love what you do,

but just imagine that your's is one view among many

especially in the land of the free

in my simple understanding

god should bless us all

and we are all blessed

would you not agree


but I digress

if you post it

you own it

never apologize for something that  you feel

there may be many or few

that feel as you do

and nobody will know what you mean exactly

but i do believe this

99% of we want to be free

but more than that

we want to be given an opportunity

but opportunities come few and far between

unless you make them yourself

and then who is to say that any

one cares besides you

so post your vibes

and let them be as they are

you have you

and that is all that should matter


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You write the sincerest lyrics of anyone I know and it's pretty obvious that you're passionate about your convictions. But when you create something and you put it out there you have to know that not everyone will like it. So you just move on. No need to apologize or feel embarrassed.

I thought the video/slideshow was very well done and the instrumental sections very effective (eg 2:30) in stirring up the emotions. I didn't get the lyrics though. The song was either about 9/11 or about abuse of the flag or are you inferring a connection between the two topics?  Flag burning brings up images of Vietnam War protests in the 60s to me. Haven't been hearing about people being told to take their flag display down, but maybe I'm not paying attention to current events?  

So I think it would make a better story to stick with one topic. You had mentioned somewhere that  one of those hijacked planes was heading for a nuclear reactor which is something that I'd never heard about.  A story about the passengers on that flight would be epic.

Just one man's opinion and not meant to evaluate anyone's worth as a human being.

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Hi, John,

You've got a really well done, patriotic song with a deep message and great meaningful lyrics!?

Nicely written, arranged and performed, the keyboards are outstanding, and the mix sounds right on the money.?

I saw your more detailed post yesterday, but at the time I couldn't listen and reply because I was away from the studio and reading the forum on my phone.  I just want to say I agree with you 100 percent.  Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of my father, and many other brave fathers, sons, brothers and uncles landing on the beach in Normandy, and giving their all to allow us the right to fly our flag proudly and freely.  I would feel sorry for any idiot like the one in the article that you mentioned, that would dare try to rip the flag off the front of my house! Let's just leave it at that.?

Anyway, nice job on the song and video, great work, John!

Best wishes,

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4 hours ago, bjornpdx said:


I thought the video/slideshow was very well done and the instrumental sections very effective (eg 2:30) in stirring up the emotions. I didn't get the lyrics though. The song was either about 9/11 or about abuse of the flag or are you inferring a connection between the two topics?  Flag burning brings up images of Vietnam War protests in the 60s to me. Haven't been hearing about people being told to take their flag display down, but maybe I'm not paying attention to current events?  

So I think it would make a better story to stick with one topic. You had mentioned somewhere that  one of those hijacked planes was heading for a nuclear reactor which is something that I'd never heard about.  A story about the passengers on that flight would be epic.

Just one man's opinion and not meant to evaluate anyone's worth as a human being.

Thanks all so much.  I was getting a bit worried when I saw that there were close to 80 page views and no replies and judging from a previously posted song that was construed as political I was nervous that I offended again.  Perhaps you were all taking the time to take the song in to give the best perspective of how you felt.  I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

Bjorn-This song was meant to address both 9/11 and the flag.  As far as abuse, I could link you to several videos of people flying Old Glory and being confronted by neighbors demanding that they take it down.   A few years back there was a certain group that will remain nameless that demanded the Confederate flag be banned in the southern US states and later all of the (American) Civil War statues.  That offended me in a minor way, but I never thought it would escalate to our own Red, White & Blue being referred to as a "symbol of hate".  This country may not be perfect, but it's the one I was born into and when I compare the freedom we have here (and the human cost it took to maintain it) to some other areas of the world, well, let's just say I'm glad I was born here.  I know that this forum reaches people around the globe and those from other countries may not share my opinion about the US.  I realize and respect that.  You each know how you feel about your own homeland. 

Bjorn-I remember the days and weeks after 9/11.  I remember feeling the fear and desperation from almost everybody I saw and interacted with.  My daily drive to work every day was about 11 miles and in the months following the attack there were beautiful American flags flying on at least 70% of the homes that I passed.  And this lasted a long time.  I felt that for that short time we were truly united as a country.  It's too bad that it took such a horrible disaster to make that happen and faded away too soon.  Now, almost 18 years later we're at the point where overpaid athletes disrespect our flag and our country.  Tell me what other country in this world could these people make so much $$$$$$$ doing what they love, playing a GAME?!  So, thinking about the pride of so many in flying the flags after the attacks and thinking of the current disrespect, I merged those two concepts of the attacks and the flag into one song.  The  nuclear power plant idea of the 4th plane was just a theory and we will never know where the hijackers wanted to take it.  Most think they meant to take it to Washington DC (White House or Capitol building), but whichever, the brave souls aboard that plane saved lives and I wanted to give mention to that but there's only so much that can be said in a 5 minute song.  I wasn't planning on writing a whole story about it.  Just a song, so I had to condense a lot of my feelings.

I hope I clarified some of the issues you questioned in you post.  To all the others, my most heartfelt thanks for your replies and feedback.

EDIT-Bob O-Your post especially brought me to tears regarding your father.  May God bless his soul and I thank him for his service to our country.

?John B

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Hi John,

Songs should always come from the heart so being a patriot and writing about something you feel strongly is a good thing.

I can hear this being done by Billy Joel in my head so you have some good lyrics here which I both understand and respect.

If it's any consolation across the pond we enjoy American sit-coms, music artists and like the confident American view of life and the world.

Thanks for sharing.

Good Job!



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I love it, John! Very moving lyrics. I really like the music on this too. Your vocals go well with it. The video definitely brings back some memories. With all the badmouthing going on in the country these days, your song/video is very welcome tribute to this country, and the people who fought to protect it. I'm especially glad I got to hear it on the 75th anniversary  of D-Day!!! 

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This may sound sound strange @Johnbee58 I like your vocal's you always sing from the heart which is far more important than being on the note every-time.  Your music is tuneful and well presented, the mixes always sound good here. 

Make your music for your self and <Insert the vocal expression or expletive of your own choice> the naysayers and haters. 

If someone has a problem with your music remember it is they who have the problem not you. 

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1 hour ago, Wookiee said:

This may sound sound strange @Johnbee58 I like your vocal's you always sing from the heart which is far more important than being on the note every-time.  Your music is tuneful and well presented, the mixes always sound good here. 

Make your music for your self and <Insert the vocal expression or expletive of your own choice> the naysayers and haters. 

If someone has a problem with your music remember it is they who have the problem not you. 

It looks like some of the drama from my other current post spilled over to this one.  Wookie, I'll take what you said to heart.  I'll also take it that you like my song here.  For both, thanks.

Leadfoot-Thank you very much.  I appreciate your taking the time to listen.


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