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Music For Lifts, One.


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As some of you know I suffer for something called an essential tremor, i.e. my paws shake uncontrollably, normally only my left paw but sometime both get going and it can be quite frustrating. I had quit a bad attack last week when writing this so I cheated a little and made use of EZKeys for creating some parts, though I did not EZKeys as an instrument.


Toys used.
Cherry Audio's

MemoryMood (lead)
PS20 (Bass)
Quadra (Strings)
Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3 Legacy of Rock (err Drums?)

All written, recorded, mixed and finalised in CbB using stock Pro Channel plugins + Overloud Breverb and Boz Digitals +10dB compressor in parallel mode on Bass and Drums.

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7 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

this elevated me to a different place.....so sorry to hear about the tremors - hope they abate soon

I thought the mix was excellent by the way





Thanks nice to hear you were moved by this. They come and go unpredictably with no real clue. 

Thank you for your kind words on the mix. As ever your ears and comments are appreciated. 

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i like the feel of the bass/drums treatment..with the parallel,

you might could bring both up just a bit, because they are so well controlled.

the quadra parts, almost at time, have a mellotron kind of vibe, in that the note itself seems to barely waiver...?

is that my mind playing trick on me?

they sound good.

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9 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

Sorry to hear about your paws.  I know it's frustrating.  I liked the variety of sounds that you came up with over that chord progression.  Pleasant listen.

Thank you David, at least it's not Parkisons which my Dad had. Nice to know you found the chord progression and the whole a pleasant listen. 

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Well I'd have to pass my floor a couple of times so I could hear the whole thing while on the elevator.
Synths sound really good and I like the chord changes especially.
Sorry to hear about the tremors. I can only imagine how difficult that can be.

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12 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Well I'd have to pass my floor a couple of times so I could hear the whole thing while on the elevator.?
Synths sound really good and I like the chord changes especially.
Sorry to hear about the tremors. I can only imagine how difficult that can be.

Thank you Bjorn you are most kind. 

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15 hours ago, jwnicholson78 said:

Hope the paw shakes get better.  As a piano player, I can only imagine how frustrating that must be.

Your songs are always so engaging, and this one didn't disappoint.  I feel lifted, indeed.



It can make for some interesting issues when the aftertouch is overly pensive on some of the synth voices.

Thank you Jeff for your kind and encouraging words.

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This is a bit different than the galaxy trip music that you have been previously posting BUT it is equally well done.  I love that bass sound that you created panned center.  My wife does not like elevators but if this song was playing it might even calm her down.  Very well done!!

I'm really sorry to hear about your struggle with essential tremor.  I know it must be worrisome and also frustrating.  I wish you the very best!!

Edited by freddy j
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19 hours ago, freddy j said:

I'm really sorry to hear about your struggle with essential tremor.  I know it must be worrisome and also frustrating.  I wish you the very best!!

Thanks Freddy this was born from me noodling with some chords and realising that my shaking paws were not going to let me play it all.  So I played what I could and then slung the chords at EZKeys. Extracted the output as straight MID I then edited them a bit and we ended up with this.

Again thank you for your kind words and encouragement. 

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Nice gentle groove on this - that's one long elevator ride - much too good for lift music however. Loved some of the chord progressions and the rhythm.

Hope the tremors ease off soon, I use EzKeys shamelessly so go for it, but I mainly use it because I'm a hopeless busker on keys. ?


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22 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

Sorry to hear about the tremors - I thought you did a good job on this one - your use of synths are always ear candy - nicely done.

They can be extremally annoying, but they can also produce some interesting side effect on synths that are sensitive to aftertouch, which my control has.  Unfortunaly for this one they were just silly out of control.

You are most kind thank you for listening and commenting.

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10 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

Nice gentle groove on this - that's one long elevator ride - much too good for lift music however. Loved some of the chord progressions and the rhythm.

Hope the tremors ease off soon, I use EzKeys shamelessly so go for it, but I mainly use it because I'm a hopeless busker on keys. ?


Thank you, they come and go, I suspect stress doesn't help unfortunately life has been a little stressful recently. 

I agree EZKeys have there place. I do appreciate your taking the time to listen and commenting. 

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21 hours ago, noynekker said:

Wookiee . . . it has a gentle easy flow to it, perfect for small enclosed places, no one will freak out, just a nice easy ride. Most relaxing thing I heard today, thank you sir.

Thank you nice to know it flowed easy, your ears and time is as always appreciated. 

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