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Just how bad has today's "popular" music become?


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If we were to think strictly in terms of quantities, statistically speaking, I'd have to say that I hate music. Especially in this day and age when so much is being released...

The idea actually occurred to me on a few occasions in recent years, when I was subjected to some particularly horrible music song after song after song.

Music is like people - I intensely dislike the majority of it, but I love and care deeply for a bunch of exceptions.  

I guess that's what getting old is all about - seeing the number things that annoy you increase exponentially every year until you're just too anxious to leave this crazy planet behind.

Edited by Rain
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1 hour ago, Rain said:

I guess that's what getting old is all about - seeing the number things that annoy you increase exponentially every year

Tip of the day:

Save valuable time by taking an instant dislike to anyone you're meeting for the first time.

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I remember when I was dating this girl who was long distance and at the time we still had the old telephones. So I was hooked on the song Telephone Line by ELO. Every time I heard it I thought of her and how I wanted to be with her again, which incidentally was probably the main motive for them to write it, for all of those lonely ones out there. 

Teen love is magical. Probably a lot of hormones too. 

I  stopped listening to the top ten. Probably should give a listen now and then just to see if anything interesting is happening.  I  tend to associate some music with events or people.



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26 minutes ago, pwal³ said:

i stopped listening to mainstream music years ago, because you get to hear it in the shops and malls without permission anyway, that's how they sell it grrrr

Over here we get canned music in malls and restraunts. I was in the grocery store the other day and  I'm not sure what it was, but it was bugging the heck out of me.  For one thing they had it turned up far too loud. At that point is wasn't background music.

In places like Target , I would almost swear they did some kind of a study into playing musc that makes people want to shop .  Like move along, buy the stuff. Fast shoppers probably spend more money than slow shoppers.

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You know the title of the thread almost invites negativity to me. I would say I'm probably uninformed about most modern music.

In a nutshell I see a lot of it like pop sauce. The sauce has that heavy programmed beat and some scantily dressed diva whose voice has gone through lots of correction and what she sings about is relevant to almost anyone on a very basic level, or it's about s-x .  Is that what's really selling? I dunno. Maybe sometimes.

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