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Pro Tools affected by the Ukraine invasion?

Starship Krupa

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I have a rental cottage at the rear of my property, my tenant, Steven, is a music teacher (been around the SF East Bay music scene forever, was giving lessons to Mike Dirnt a few years ago).

One of his longtime students works for Avid, we know as makers of Pro Tools, and he told Steven that most of the people coding for them these days are in the Ukraine.

I don't have any news, but he's obviously very concerned for them (as well as the possible impact on the business).

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Do you know what part of Ukraine they're in? Hopefully out west, but more likely in Kiev, which seems to be where the tech industry is centered. But it's gotta be hard to conduct business no matter where they are. Hope they did backups before rushing off to Poland or Romania.

This is affecting innocent Russians, too. I am concerned for Voxengo. Alexsey is based in Russia, and many banking operations have been interrupted there. Saw a piece on DW that said restaurants are only taking cash because they can't process CC transactions. I don't know if that affects Alexsey or not. He processes payments via 2CheckOut, which is based outside of Russia, so it should still be OK to buy from him. He might not get paid right away, though. I've verified that you can still download updates from voxengo.com.

I hate how one a-hole can screw up so many lives on a whim.

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Soooooooo..............I gotta watch what I say because a thread I commented on was yanked the other day and I was just trying to lighten things up some. I will just say. No this ain't exactly the old Cake forum. Maybe that's a good thing and sometimes maybe it isn't. Nuff said.

I feel bad for anyone stuck in that mess. I'm sure it's going to affect pretty much everything over there. People are saying things and doing other opposite things if you know what I mean. 

Isn't it amazing how the need for masks basically went away so fast? Just in time for the US SOTU address. 

Let's see here, Billy is being bad so we're going to take his allowance away. Does Billy care?

Thank goodness for satellite internet connections.




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