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4 hours ago, bitflipper said:

I don't care how scarred the backs of my hands get, I am not going to bite him back. Bad enough that I take a hit off the milkshake straw after he's licked it.

Man bites dog ?  I've only done that one a couple of times waayyy back in the day before the current flood of cable TV dog trainers hit the scene .

I got this mental thing called Boot Camp which is a Role I end up playing at some point with every dog I have ever had . I become the drill Sargent and literally mold and Boot Camp my dogs furry glutes  into doing what I want when I want it  just like the drill sergeant did to R Gere in the movie An Officer and a Gentleman   . .... this approach don't work a 100 % ...yet it does get consistent progress and training results  as long as we keep in mind dog are always looking for approval and love from their owners . Dog does something right Reward him w love and a treat . Dog does something wrong  hopefully you can catch him in the act and show him you disapprove ( even if what he did is funny and your laughing inside you may have to pretend your not happy about what he did )  

I learned a long time ago that dogs seem the happiest and the most well behaved when they are all tuckered out from running , chasing a ball , playing tug of war , wrestling or any other number of activity's  that will help them burn off the boundless energy they seem to  always have . 

As I get older I confess I'm not doing the 5 mile walks I used to do w my dog ....I still make an effort to pack in some activity's to help tire out my pooch ....

My current dog Milo is only a few months older than 2 so he is probably kicking back laughing at how weak and puny his human must be because he knows I simply just can't keep up with him once he goes and decides to turn the tables and  go all Boot Camp on me ?  

Oh BTW, it all starts off so innocently . First its taking a hit off the milk shake straw after he's licked it . Then it becomes go ahead you feel like licking the extra peanut butter of my spoon , Then it becomes hows about some scraps off my plate  you have been a good boy ! you feel like licking it clean . Then before you know it  you might even let him do a cycle of licking the dishes in the dishwasher before you run it  ....

In the end your dog has an end game ,  he has been slipping you his tongue and giving you a taste on the down low because  he is training you to lick tongues together ..

You watch  the day is coming soon when you guys are hugging , rubbing faces and out of nowhere he is gonna slip you his tongue and it's gonna get past your lips ? don't say I didn't warn you ?

Wooof Wooof


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got the piano tuned. For some reason I'd had difficulty getting tuners to return my calls. Cost was $200 because it was so far out that he had to tune it twice. He also straightened a hammer that hadn't been hitting all three strings, so I not only got an in-tune piano, I gained two strings! Not to mention 15 more keys than I'm used to having with my band rig.

The puppy wasn't helping. He's part husky, so he offered to sing harmony during the procedure. Sadly, his only skill is making sticks into smaller sticks so he had to be relocated to the garage. Even the cat got in on the event. The piano is her favorite perch, but she'd never seen the lid open before and I had to drag her off the strings twice.

It was only after spending a couple hours deliriously jamming away on it that I realized just how weak my wrists and forearms have become playing synths. Been awhile since I've experienced muscle aches from playing. Other than the usual back aches from hauling gear, anyway.

That wasn't the end of the pain, though. This morning I jammed my pinkie attempting to hit a key that wasn't there on my 73-key KRONOS. But golly gee whiz, I'd been playing really fast right up until that happened. All this time I'd been bemoaning my loss of speed and blaming it on old age. Should have tuned up the old acoustic piano years ago.

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Very Cool.

Yeah I suffer from the same.  I too have a baby grand in my living room.  It really needs tuning.  It kinda has that cool"out of tune"  vibe  going for it tho.

But the point is, the occasion when I sit down and play it,  I walk away with arms, wrists and hands wore out.  Something I would never imagine when i was younger.

The thought of spending $200 on a piece of furniture that's going to wear my arms out and just need re-tuning  is killing me, but the thought of not getting it tuned might be worse.  

It's a good thing one of my best qualities is procrastination.   I can procrastinate with the best!

Hopin' Bit enjoys his time working out on the analogue gear!


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Loosing hand strength and not having any playing stamina happens to guitar players to. 

For many years I did all my practicing on a nylon string guitar . When I picked up my electric guitar everything I played was so easy to play on it . Later on over the years it  got a little complicated . Between apt life and practicing electric guitar w headphones  only I have seen a marked loss in finger strength and dexterity . Now I do a fair amount of my practicing and playing around the house  acoustically on one of my resonate electrics w medium gauge strings   .This approach offers me the acoustic string feel w out the volume ...

I feel so much better now .

So Hey  ! Why not get yourself a new lease on playing and tickle those acoustic piano keys again .


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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