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Only one time render possible without restarting when rendering mp4s


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Hello, this makes me really nervous when I produce a lot of videos per day, when I render mp4 for the first time, and when I want to do it again this error occurs. Full Sonar reset needed then, and it doesn't remember saving paths, parameters, so it takes another minute to render it again. I think this may be a pretty easy thing to resolve for a support team.


Morover remembering video rendering options as default "last used" could be a real help for my work.

Zrzut ekranu 2022-02-08 09.36.05.png

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  On 2/8/2022 at 8:38 AM, SoundIT said:

 it doesn't remember saving paths, parameters, so it takes another minute to render it again. 


This has been fixed for the new release. There's an early access file available for download. Are you running the Cakewalk by Bandlab version (orange icon) or are you still on Cakewalk Sonar (black icon?) 


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  • 2 months later...
  On 4/26/2022 at 1:41 PM, SoundIT said:

Hey, sorry for getting back so late... I have the newest version (orange icon) and still doesn't work now...


Yep. We are all still waiting for the upcoming release. 

 Try bypassing all your different compressors in the project and see if if renders without any issues. 

But for the "last used path" issue on the export window - it has been mentioned that it's been fixed in the next release. 

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Hey, I think rendering an mp4 for the second time with no restart worked for the first time in the 02.2022 version! Seems to be ok. Thanks.

...Ummm, it rendered once, and then this error again. Anyway waiting with hope :)

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  • 10 months later...

Hey Will, 


Rendering mp4 and crash after every first successful rendering is a real pain in a ... Cake. None of the updates helped. Have you tried to inspect that? Restarting Cakewalk and getting everything again (I change to AAC sound instead of mp3 which is a default while exporting mp4) takes about a minute, and I need to render videos more than 5 times per 10 minutes I guess...

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Will won't actually know your asking him a question unless you tag him like I just did you or you can send him a PM. He hasn't logged on since Feb 10 so not a regular. 

But my answer would be that Cakewalk is a terrible environment for working with Videos. It works fine if you only need a rough video to score music to but it was never intended to be a video editor of any sort. 

I worked with a few Video editors trying them out and settled on Movie Maker pro ( Sony Vegas) and it has not only the video editing but can handle a lot of audio editing as well.  I can use 3rd party VST effects as well as open audio tracks in a wave editor from within the software. ( Like Cakewalks Tool menu) You can also automate, copy paste etc. Sort of all that is missing is Midi. 

It's not a DAW but a lot of functions are present in a basic form.   Everyone I know works in the Movie editing software using audio they created using a DAW.   You export a MP4 drop it in your DAW and do the Music and narration editing using the movie as a guide.  

Export the audio as stems and drop those back into the Video editor to carry on with syncing and fine tuning. My editor can have I think 20 tracks of audio, Not sure. The more you pay the more you get. 

So not sure what your workflow is and there's a few of us here who do work with video. I'm really a ultra beginner and my expertise is limited but I found it super helpful to take the time to get out there and watch a lot of tutorials and see how it's done.

Da Vinci resolve is very popular and it's free.  I liked Vegas only because it seemed simple and it's audio portion has deep roots in Sony's Sound Forge. It's  like  Home studio was when I was learning Cakewalk. 

Edited by John Vere
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