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You Can't Do It You Can't Do That

jack c.

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  On 2/1/2022 at 6:46 PM, Tim Smith said:

Have you mastered this?


thanks mate:thanks to tom deering who gave me  a template for mastering stuff.i used ozone 9 assistant,then i had to play around with other plugs to get to 14 luffs.at times  ozone doesn't work so the i use other eq-comps and i still have to mess around to reach 14 luffs.jack c.

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Jack, you truly are a gifted songwriter!  Your words are provocative and deserve to be heard a bit more clearly, which could simply be just turning them up a db or two.  Otherwise, I like everything else, though, the song screams out for a solo instrument in places.  Just a thought.  All in all, a winner!

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  On 2/3/2022 at 11:30 AM, Wookiee said:

Imaginative song writing Jack.



  On 2/3/2022 at 1:55 PM, DeeringAmps said:

Sounding good here Jack. More "bareing of the soul".


what's the time sig on that intro?


thanks wookiee.

so many of me songs are about me and life and what i see and hear.one time me sax player was trying to play a few lines from one me songs and he had a hard time trying to capture the rhythm,feel and time.me stuff is not typical rhythm flow.so time signature i don't know.i have to count it out.jack c.thanks tom

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