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"Hear the call", new single from Bats Brew

bats brew

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4 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Loved this through the "rough mix" stage, still do!


alright tom!


appreciate the comments... yea, the rough stage, man, i actually did 15 versions of this song, experimenting with multiple guitar tracks, stereo tracks, different kits, different mix techniques... i used it as my 'laboratory' to try out stuff i hadn't done before.

all different, just trying to figure out how to get to where i wanted to be.


my guitar tones,
i used the absolutely lowest gain i could get away with for the rhythms,
and THAT was the magic.

i had to really work to get those parts to pop....


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1 hour ago, garybrun said:

This may come across as not very nice... but..
Why don't you comment on other people posts and keep bumping up you own all the time.
Your knowledge can help others too.
Just a question  ?

i bump them because people miss them.

they sit a while, and slide right down the list, and no one even sees them.

i don't review often, but i do review.

when i hear something that really excites me, i'll respond.


now, if you want to bump yours, go ahead,

i will not complain.

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I’m glad you bumped because I would have missed this and I try not to miss anything you produce. I can honestly say your recordings are way beyond most of what gets posted here.

Like you, I also refrain from commenting mostly because I have to grit my teeth at what I’m hearing.  I guess I lean towards energetic full on balls up rock. 
Anyways you nailed this one once again with great arrangement and awesome guitar tone and chops  

I guess I could follow you then I won’t miss your next song  


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