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Can we please have the ability to rename controllers as they appear in the PRV Track pane


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Title says it all.

Currently, these names are derived from the “Standard” entry in Preferences | MIDI | Instruments.  > Define.

While that is a a great start, they are global - in that the same set of names appear regardless of what vsti one is using.

We either need a way to define them on a per VSTi basis, or rename them as they appear in the PRV Track pane.

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ConfusedOne say "Why?" Isn't Pitch Bend, pitch bend no mater what synth you're using? (You did say "Controllers")

Or did you mean "Track Name" - double-click to change name of track, like in Track View?  <- THAT! would be something. 

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23 minutes ago, sjoens said:

ConfusedOne say "Why?" Isn't Pitch Bend, pitch bend no mater what synth you're using? (You did say "Controllers")

I'm not talking about pitch bend, I'm talking about controllers....  you know.....  CC7 > Volume, CC10 > Pan, etc

With most VST and VSTi plugins, controller numbers can be mapped to any parameter - hence my request for the ability to rename them as they appear in the PRV Track pane.

See the following link to see where I mean. (The area bound by D and F and what G is pointing to)


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As I thought. That illustration is mis-nomenclatured. They entered "E" twice and missed "I" altogether.

What you're calling "Track Pane" (their error) is actually the "Edit Filter", thus my confusion.

The "Track Pane" is "H" where the tracks reside.

The legend should have read:

A. Menu B. Drum Grid pane C. Notes pane D. Controller pane E. Note draw duration F. Key/Pitch pane G. Edit Filter H. Track pane  I. Selected track

Although Pitch Bend is technically NOT a "continuous" controller, it is a controller in it's own right and accessed in the same window. :D

Edited by sjoens
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