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Curare Blues

Lynn Wilson

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Hello to all my CW friends and a belated Happy New Year to all!  Just before Thanksgiving, the motherboard in my computer gave up the ghost, so I've been rebuilding and repairing it since then.  After I got just about everything restored, I recorded this song to check my system.  So far, all is well and working better than ever.  I wrote this ditty in 1979, but had lost all good recordings of it, so I decided that it needed updating.  As always, thank you for your time and ideas.  I look forward to hearing all the new songs on this site, so I'll be busy for a while,

"Curare Blues" can be found here: https://soundclick.com/r/s8k2kb

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I really liked the vibe on this one Lynn had a bit like little feat touch loved the percussion  i wouldnt change anything on this  ``dont touch those pretty white flowers ´´ what an introduction to a song   so ballsy great song , right up my alley well done respekt

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Been missing you mate, and I was getting worried  .. another good one, so you haven't lost your touch ? ... so what did you use for the home-built replacement ?  and wot do you know about the use of Curare hmmmm


Edited by SupaReels
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17 hours ago, jack c. said:

musically real fine job.record lead voice again and blend for a more full sound/tone.jack c.

Jack, thank you for your time and remarks!  Perhaps you could share your method of blending lead vocal for "a more full sound"?


17 hours ago, Paul Bush said:

I really liked the vibe on this one Lynn had a bit like little feat touch loved the percussion  i wouldnt change anything on this  ``dont touch those pretty white flowers ´´ what an introduction to a song   so ballsy great song , right up my alley well done respekt

Paul, I'm so  happy to hear from you!  I'm glad this struck a chord with you.  I'll take your suggestion about leaving it be, for now!


5 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

Interesting beat.  I had a long debate with someone whether white is a color or the absence of color.  dangerous lyrics, but I love it.  great instrumentation on this.

Hi David, I love your comments (as always), and I wish I knew more about color!  In todays climate, the lyrics may be dangerous, but when I wrote this they were just silly ;)


3 hours ago, SupaReels said:

Been missing you mate, and I was getting worried  .. another good one, so you haven't lost your touch ? ... so what did you use for the home-built replacement ?  and wot do you know about the use of Curare hmmmm


Steve, you ask good questions!  First, I'm glad to be back, and second I'm ready to rock 2022.  I replaced my  12 year old, first generation i7 processor with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600-6 cores @3.7 gigs with 32 gigs of memory, and a new video board to be 4k ready as soon as I get a camera that's 4k ready.  I had to wipe Window 10 and reinstall most of my apps, but was able to do so after a few weeks.  As for the curare (should be an accent over the letter a), it's the drug used on poison blow gun darts in South American jungles.  It's a paralyzing agent, sometimes used in surgery to quiet a muscle, for those who don't know.  This song is the scientist in me coming out.


2 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Welcome back Lynn , from the sound of this one you need to break your computer more often !  Fantastic everywhere. I really liked the vocals and your choice of reverb. Great guitar work as well. You sure came back Strong.   Killer job ..


Mark, you make me happy!  I have a super backup plan in place now should I ever break my computer again, so I shouldn't be down as long.  Actually, the motherboard gave me 12 good years and died a happy death of old age.

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4 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Perhaps you could share your method of blending lead vocal for "a more full sound"?

lynn:thanks for being open for me remarks.couple of years ago a person told me more tracks more volume.so me voice template  for each song is to set up 3 voice tracks recorded at the same time........ pan c l r.the left and right could be full or just a tad spread.at times the c or 1st. track i do different processing:such as different efx-dynamics or voice manipulator vst,add saturation vst......maybe use antaress harmony vst plugin and set so said track will split into an octave above or below hence much fuller sound.even push track 1 a couple of cents ahead of others.

            the 2 and 3 rd.tracks are (at times handled in endless ways).insert send to buss insert different efx-dynamics.

another -----sing voice 1st. track.then as ya listen to said track record 2nd. track and blend together etc.

jack c.

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Steve, you ask good questions!  First, I'm glad to be back, and second I'm ready to rock 2022.  I replaced my  12 year old, first generation i7 processor with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600-6 cores @3.7 gigs with 32 gigs of memory, and a new video board to be 4k ready as soon as I get a camera that's 4k ready.  I had to wipe Window 10 and reinstall most of my apps, but was able to do so after a few weeks.  As for the curare (should be an accent over the letter a), it's the drug used on poison blow gun darts in South American jungles.  It's a paralyzing agent, sometimes used in surgery to quiet a muscle, for those who don't know.  This song is the scientist in me coming out.

Hi mate I had the same problem with my old PC a few tears back .. your system is much the same as the one I've been using and the Ryzen 5 runs really cool, great processor. It's always reinstating the software that sends you nuts .. Just a thing I now use 4 SSDs instead of HDDs and it really speeds up workflow One of them holds my samples and it's a great help when loading them in the DAW. 

BTW blow darts ain't your other hobby are they ... ??

Stay safe .. and keep 'em coming


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Anyone else get a heavy Steely Dan vibe from this? Maybe it's your vocal, which I quite liked! I listened on headphones and loved the separation and panning, very very well thought out. And the tune is a boppy one for sure, toes were tapping.

Mixwise, what is on your master bus? Do you have a character compressor of some kind affecting the entire mix? If so, a personal choice of mine (not that you should care about that!) would be to dial it back down a hair. I know from your other songs that you often bring out the grit! And it sounds good for sure. I was listening to the hi hat or cymbal, with the little syncopated rhythm it has, and when hi hats get gritty that could be a hair much on the old beef compressor.

YMMV big time.

Loved the tune, as with many of yours now it lives in my head.



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On 1/29/2022 at 2:51 PM, jack c. said:

lynn:thanks for being open for me remarks.couple of years ago a person told me more tracks more volume.so me voice template  for each song is to set up 3 voice tracks recorded at the same time........ pan c l r.the left and right could be full or just a tad spread.at times the c or 1st. track i do different processing:such as different efx-dynamics or voice manipulator vst,add saturation vst......maybe use antaress harmony vst plugin and set so said track will split into an octave above or below hence much fuller sound.even push track 1 a couple of cents ahead of others.

            the 2 and 3 rd.tracks are (at times handled in endless ways).insert send to buss insert different efx-dynamics.

another -----sing voice 1st. track.then as ya listen to said track record 2nd. track and blend together etc.

jack c.

Yes, I've tried all these methods and a few more.  I use them if I think they're necessary.  Thanks for your time!


On 1/29/2022 at 3:08 PM, antler said:

Very cool song Lynn - mix is really good too. Interesting use of percussion.

Thank you for listening!  I'm glad you like the percussion which comes from Superior Drummer 3.  It's very close to my original recordings.


14 hours ago, SupaReels said:

Steve, you ask good questions!  First, I'm glad to be back, and second I'm ready to rock 2022.  I replaced my  12 year old, first generation i7 processor with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600-6 cores @3.7 gigs with 32 gigs of memory, and a new video board to be 4k ready as soon as I get a camera that's 4k ready.  I had to wipe Window 10 and reinstall most of my apps, but was able to do so after a few weeks.  As for the curare (should be an accent over the letter a), it's the drug used on poison blow gun darts in South American jungles.  It's a paralyzing agent, sometimes used in surgery to quiet a muscle, for those who don't know.  This song is the scientist in me coming out.

Hi mate I had the same problem with my old PC a few tears back .. your system is much the same as the one I've been using and the Ryzen 5 runs really cool, great processor. It's always reinstating the software that sends you nuts .. Just a thing I now use 4 SSDs instead of HDDs and it really speeds up workflow One of them holds my samples and it's a great help when loading them in the DAW. 

BTW blow darts ain't your other hobby are they ... ??

Stay safe .. and keep 'em coming


SSD's are my next step.  I have all the storage in the world, but a fast SSD for my samples would help greatly.  As for hobbies, I used to throw darts, but not blow them ;)


13 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

Nice work Lynn, love the title, and the use of imagery in the lyrics.  As always, great guitar, and the xylophone was unique

Hey Jesse, it's good to hear from you!  Thank you for your kind words and ears.  The mallets are "50's Vibraphone" from Dimension Pro, btw.

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On 1/30/2022 at 10:13 AM, PhonoBrainer said:

Anyone else get a heavy Steely Dan vibe from this? Maybe it's your vocal, which I quite liked! I listened on headphones and loved the separation and panning, very very well thought out. And the tune is a boppy one for sure, toes were tapping.

Mixwise, what is on your master bus? Do you have a character compressor of some kind affecting the entire mix? If so, a personal choice of mine (not that you should care about that!) would be to dial it back down a hair. I know from your other songs that you often bring out the grit! And it sounds good for sure. I was listening to the hi hat or cymbal, with the little syncopated rhythm it has, and when hi hats get gritty that could be a hair much on the old beef compressor.

YMMV big time.

Loved the tune, as with many of yours now it lives in my head.



Hi, Tom!  Thanks for your feedback!  I'm not using any compression on the master, just the tracks individually.  I use Adaptive Limiter after it's been mixed (Medium Adaptive mode), and only just a tad to raise the overall level by about 3db with headroom set at 0.4db.  Frankly, I don't hear what you are hearing on my KRK Rokit 8's, nor my Sennheiser HD Pro 300 headphones.  However, my ears are Not golden, thus, I come here for advice.  I'll be aware of this from now on.  I may be pushing the envelope too much.


On 1/30/2022 at 12:32 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

This is my favorite out of all the songs I've heard from you - really cool song.  I loved your vocal on this one - great job.

The lead guitar rocked as well - nice playing.

Douglas, thank you for your kind words and encouragement.  It's always good to hear from you!


11 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Pleasant enough time @Lynn Wilson mix seems to sound OK here.


Wookie, I value your ears and words, so this made my day!  Thanks, mate!


6 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Lynn - Great to hear from you - loved this - great track with some excellent playing.

really enjoyed this one





Thank you Nigel for your time and reply!  I can't wait to hear your new material.  Stay safe!

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Welcome back!  I was wondering what happened to you and you have returned with one hot number that defines cool (am I mixing metaphors?)!  This is one of your best pal!  The idea of matching the toxin from a South American vine to a romantic breakup is definitely on the creative side!!  Your performance is excellent.  That is some doggone nice guitar work as are your vocals.  To these old ears the mix sounded great and I enjoyed the panning.

Listening to this was a real treat!!

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Good to hear another one from you Lynn. 

I enjoyed the music and mix mastery. Wonderful work on both.

Did you need to make deep EQ cuts to get this kind of space? The L/R mixing on this is phenomenal.

Glad to hear you're back in action with a new computer. Look forward to your future projects.


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