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cakewalk does not run

David Thiel

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It worked yesterday, this morning Cakewalk will not run.  It puts up the small Cakewalk dialog and then does not go further.

I restarted Win10.  Still nothing.

Nothing radical changed.  No recent update or anything, either Win10 or Cakewalk.

I am trying to get my keyboards (all four) integrated.  Toward that end I've been running MIDIOx a far bit.

Any ideas?


David Thiel

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BandLab Assistant stays in memory so unless it is actually shut down trying to start it again does nothing.

Once run, there is a small icon in the notification area to open or quit the program.

Unless one wants to run the BandLab DAW or use Cakewalk "offline" activation, BandLab Assistant is not necessary.


  On 1/28/2022 at 5:54 PM, David Thiel said:

It puts up the small Cakewalk dialog and then does not go further.


By dialog, do you mean the splash screen


if not, please post an image of the screen


It may help to know a little about the system. What audio interfaces are installed? Are there any "generic" ASIO drivers installed?


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Yes, the splash screen.

Win10, 32Gb, 1Tb boot drive, BabyFace Pro

It has been stable for years. 

Recently I removed a redundant data drive which was 'D:'   'E:' is my 8 Tb data drive now.  When I originally installed Cakewalk I'm sure it installed stuff to D:.

Since 'D:' was removed I ran Cakewalk many times. What changed this morning was I disconnected a new Novation LaunchKey25 that I was trying to use.  It has a tiny drive that was assigned to D:. My speculation is that even though Cakewalk didn't find anything on this drive, its existence kept it from not starting.

In any case I decided to start over and reinstall Cakewalk.  I use this to make my living and I couldn't just sit here.

Thing is, during installation the destination of content is gray'd out.  It points to 'D:' and I cannot change it.  Some residue in the registry?

I cannot change the VST folder destination either.


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  On 1/28/2022 at 6:55 PM, David Thiel said:

Thing is, during installation the destination of content is gray'd out.  It points to 'D:' and I cannot change it.  Some residue in the registry?

I cannot change the VST folder destination either.



This is useful info.

Just running the uninstaller is not enough if one needs to change the install or VST default location.

A clean install is required to regain access to the initial install options. Note the clean install instructions assume the original installation took all defaults. 

Step 5 details the registry entries that must be manually removed


Delete the following Registry keys. If you do not have one of the Registry keys below, simply proceed to the next one on the list.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cakewalk Music Software
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Cakewalk Music Software


Be aware step 9


Open the following directories and delete their contents: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk and C:\Program Files(x86)\Cakewalk


will delete ALL plug-ins installed in the Cakewalk default VST locations.

If there are any 3rd party plug-ins in the Cakewalk default VST locations, consider moving the default folders out of the Cakewalk folders before deleting the folders and restore them after re-installing Cakewalk.

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That was a bit of a panic.  Not unlike the panic of Gibson going away and Sonar being unsupported.

I have been pleased with the stability and improvements of BandLabs' Cakewalk so this morning's events caught me off guard.

I had missed some Cakewalk related keys plus I didn't delete all the related folders (without that roadmap).

Thanks to your help 'scook' Cakewalk is scanning some 700 VSTs and it looks like I'll be back in business.

David :)

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