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Severe Blockage

Lee Shapiro

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On 2/2/2022 at 6:51 PM, craigb said:

So, maybe he should write a song about a dry well then? ?

That's actually what I did.  I finally finished a song (in the song's forum) called "Something To Prove".  And it's about trying to prove to myself I can write a halfway decent song again.

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On 2/6/2022 at 12:55 PM, Lee Shapiro said:

That's actually what I did.  I finally finished a song (in the song's forum) called "Something To Prove".  And it's about trying to prove to myself I can write a halfway decent song again.

This is kind of like what I meant by "growing outward" from a state of rest (comfort, the lowest energy state). It is meta and thinking outside the box. 

I tend to think that the stereotype of a suffering artist is true. If you're struggling to do something that used to be a big part of your life, that struggle is certainly worth a song.

What do you mean by "halfway decent" though? The way you phrased that makes it sound awfully unambitious, but of course it depends on what you mean. How do you know if you've succeeded?

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12 hours ago, sarine said:

What do you mean by "halfway decent" though? The way you phrased that makes it sound awfully unambitious, but of course it depends on what you mean. How do you know if you've succeeded?

I'm my own worst critic.  I don't have a great singing voice and in this particular song I wasn't thrilled with the final take.
And quite honestly, I'm pretty intimidated by so many of the songs posted in this group.  Some of you folks are just crazy talented.
But on the other hand, after writing, recording and posting over 100 songs, there are about two dozen or so that I'm really proud of.

It doesn't really have anything to do with ambition.  I write and record as a hobby, but it's in my blood and in my soul.  I HAVE to write music (I'm sure many people can relate to that).  It's just more to do with self-confidence and self-deprecation.  I get a lot of positive feedback on my songs, but sometimes I feel like people are just humoring me.  (I've written songs about that as well, including this one)   It's something I need to work on.

Edited by Lee Shapiro
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Lee, I'll give you my take for what it's worth. First off, it's hard (at least for me) to sit down and say "I'm gonna write a song today." I can say "I'm gonna work on an idea today that may turn into something" but I never set myself up to where I'm depressed if I fail. Here are the things that work for me.

1. Always write little parts and stick them in a folder. Even if it's just music, a chorus line, a cool drum beat, a guitar riff. You never know when you may find something useful. Don't put pressure or stress on yourself to complete something. Just log ideas. I have so many of these, I could probably throw parts in Sonar's Matrix and have it write the song for me.

2. Words for me have always been my nightmare. I can write music, hooks, melodies etc like there's no tomorrow. But words stump me at times because it's just not something I do very well without loads of time being spent. Until now. There's a program I highly recommend that will inspire you and cut you lyric writing in half or more time wise. It's called Master Writer and man, it's fantastic. If you can't write a song using that, go fishing or something. :D

3. Sometimes it's good to just stay away for a bit and do other things. I've gotten into some pretty "different" hobbies in the past few years that have helped me actually connect more with music. These "hobbies" are things I've never done before. Some of them bring me way out of my comfort zone to where I have to be totally on guard and on my toes or something terrible can happen. That "on edge" thing just brings me to another place, therefore, inspires me in ways I've never been inspired before.

4. Don't be afraid to indulge in "something" to slightly alter your mind. My first 200 songs were written when I smoked a lot of pot. I've not written a good song since. LOL! I kid, I kid...but seriously, sometimes a little shot of something can take the pressure off you and relax you into a cool idea. That was the one thing I enjoyed when I used to smoke. I was so relaxed, I felt I used the experience as a vehicle. I don't do it anymore, but man, a glass of homemade wine or some good scotch takes the edge off me and allows me to just roll disc with the lights out, my gear on, my lava lamps on and I just close my eyes and something magical happens. I may not play very good, but the altered mind idea is something that I could have never gotten to without a little help. Sometimes it makes my music more dramatic or theatrical. Sometimes it's arena rock, prog or something modern. It just is something that comes out of me that doesn't come out when I'm not indulging.

For example, I have riffs on guitar that I play all the time. Eventually they do become songs. If I have a few shots or whatever, something NEW comes out of me that I never played before. The execution may suck, but the idea is where I want to be.

5. Listen to music you wouldn't normally listen to. It's amazing what your mind will hold on to while not even realizing it. Of course you want to like whatever the stuff you listen to is, but just make sure it's something you might not normally listen to. The same with playing your instrument. Try to play something you DON'T know. Learn a few new chords or a new lick of sorts. The new chord voicings alone will inspire you.

6. Hang with people that are positive influences. This means, friends, family and even musicians. Sometimes it's great to just jam with another person. Bounce ideas off each other. But try to keep it positive. Then again, negativity can inspire amazing songs too. I just find that keeping positive influences in my life helps me to enjoy life as well as my experience more than the people that bring me down.

7. Try to play with musicians that are better than you. The reason being, you can learn so much from them and challenge yourself all at the same time. Sometimes the big nasty musician is all fire and YOU are the one that helps him write that hit song. There are plenty of guys who can play, but it takes the right combination to deliver a good song. Maybe you are that missing link, or maybe you're the fire and the person you play with is the missing link.

8. Grab an acoustic guitar (if you play guitar) and go out to a lake, creek, park, somewhere nice that inspires you. Or take a drive with whatever instrument you play and pick a secluded spot where you may want to just chill and throw a few ideas out while recording them on your cell phone. I go to the park in the back of my neighborhood with my guitar. In the woods of that park is a cool little creek. I sit there and write all the time. Or I'll sit on a merry go round and play and write. Sometimes I drive somewhere....like a lake spot or even a cliff where we used to go cliff diving. So many things can inspire you.

9. Sit down and think of various topics you would like to write about. There is a lot going on in the world right now. You can solve the worlds problems in song. You can right the political wrongs. You can save the world. You can live inside the internet. You can create a world of your own. Just think of topics....anything, fiction or non-fiction and have fun with it....or get serious with it. See, the object is to create without boundaries or pressure. Sometimes we over think the obvious and we end up deterring our progress and talking ourselves right out of writing. I released a 15 song concept album called "Tribulations" on September 24th. The song topics are all about life and in the order in which they were lived. Meeting my first real love, loss, death, politics, military, children, sci fi, I dove into a little of everything. And old Master Writer was right there helping me along. LOL!!

10. Unfortunately, I can't remember what 10 was. LOL!!! I know I had one and it was a good one, but for the life of me, I can't think of it. Oh wait, I remember!!!!! Try playing an instrument you don't play often or have never played before. Or, if you have cool synths, just mess with the sounds on them. You should be able to write a few hundred movie scores with just the sound samples inspiring you from Dimension Pro alone. I always listen to my synths in headphones. They totally inspire me in so many ways. They take me on different journeys and the sounds just instantly inspire me while taking me to places I can't go on guitar. That's another thing....if you play guitar, the new multi effects processors they have out today are amazing. Just going through the patches alone should inspire you. Anyway, sorry for the novel...but that's what I used to do when I posted here. I figured no one has heard from me in years so I'd share something that may be helpful. Best of luck to you and I really hope this helps. :)


Edited by Danny
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Thanks Danny, that's a LOT of good ideas, and they all make perfect sense to me.   Many of them I actually do already.
Lyrics always came easy for me, but only if I write them after I write the music.  I sing gibberish lyrics with the song that eventually turn into something meaningful.
But coming up with new ideas for songs is my biggest problem right now.   Most of my songs are either written about a past failed relationship, politics, or getting old (dealing with the concept of time).   So coming up with something different requires some thought.   I got some ideas from listening to some Tom Petty songs where I would just write a fictional story about a place or person.  I think I'll try that next.

I actually had Master Writer, I still probably have a license (serial number) for it.   I just have to find it any reinstall it.   It IS a big help.

Thanks again for taking the time to write out all those great ideas.  I really appreciate it!

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3 hours ago, Danny said:

I'll give you my take for what it's worth.......






Is that.........?


Could it be...?


I do believe that there has just been a rare sighting of a lesser spotted Danzi,  a species previously thought to be extinct in these parts.


How are you fella ? Long time no see......

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3 hours ago, paulo said:






Is that.........?


Could it be...?


I do believe that there has just been a rare sighting of a lesser spotted Danzi,  a species previously thought to be extinct in these parts.


How are you fella ? Long time no see......

Can't be!  'Cause that would be too cool.  ?

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8 hours ago, paulo said:






Is that.........?


Could it be...?


I do believe that there has just been a rare sighting of a lesser spotted Danzi,  a species previously thought to be extinct in these parts.


How are you fella ? Long time no see......

That's way too funny! You almost lost me for good as I nearly choked on my coffee when I read that! Hahaha!!!

Ah I'm doing fantastic, thanks! How are you?

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5 hours ago, craigb said:

Can't be!  'Cause that would be too cool.  ?

Aww, you're way too kind. Thank you! I still hang around and read.  I don't quite have the time I once had and I seem to get way too passionate with my beliefs on forums and get into trouble. So I'm not as active. But I'll try to stop around a little more. :)

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In order to keep having ideas flowing out, you have to keep them flowing in.

When you feel like that reservoir has run dry its because, well, it has. That reservoir of creative ideas has to be replenished.

To that end:

1) Read. A lot. Anything and everything. Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, news,

2) Go to the art museum.  Even if you don't live near one, a lot of stuff is online. Nothing, NOTHING, compares to standing right there in the same room with something, however. It is probably worth the drive.

3) Go on a little road trip. Go somewhere you haven't been before or haven't been in a long time. Stop. Explore. Don't just drive through.

4) Find new music. Listen to stuff that you haven't heard in ages. Listen to new stuff. Check out some of those artists you keep hearing about but never got around to listening to. Get outside your comfort zone and listen to things that are really different than what you usually do. If you're a Rocker, listen to some Jazz. If you're into Country, listen to some Metal. You get the idea.

I could go on, but basically just keep having new experiences.


5) I almost forgot: don't be afraid to write something crappy. There's no law that says you have to release it. But hell, if it sucks bad enough it could end up on the radio....

Edited by bdickens
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1 hour ago, Danny said:

I'm doing fantastic, thanks! How are you?

Living the dream mate, living the dream............


I'm just not sure whose dream though. Whatever this is, it was never one of mine, lol !

But I'll do you a favor and keep my thoughts all to myself. ?


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2 hours ago, paulo said:

Living the dream mate, living the dream............


I'm just not sure whose dream though. Whatever this is, it was never one of mine, lol !

But I'll do you a favor and keep my thoughts all to myself. ?



As long as it's not the "American Dream" as that doesn't exist any longer. Someone I know wrote a pretty cool song about that. ? We're actually living someone else's nightmare most of the time. I'm with you, man!

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6 hours ago, bdickens said:

4) Find new music. Listen to stuff that you haven't heard in ages. Listen to new stuff. Check out some of those artists you keep hearing about but never got around to listening to. Get outside your comfort zone and listen to things that are really different than what you usually do. If you're a Rocker, listen to some Jazz. If you're into Country, listen to some Metal. You get the idea.


I've actually been doing a lot of that lately.  And it paid off.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been listening to a lot of Tom Petty lately, and I finally got around to writing a song (posted in the songs forum) inspired greatly by Petty's music.
I was never a big fan of Tom Petty in the 80's, but thanks to Amazon Music, I've been able to revisit and actually hear some of his songs for the first time.  His "Wildflowers" album has greatly inspired me.  For me, you can't get much better songwriting than that.
Thanks for your suggestions!

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