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New Website Being Built: musicsoftwaredeals.com

Reid Rosefelt

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Hello Mr. MSD guy, a coule of more issues to bug you about:

1. the email notification lets you add duplicates. ("XenoVerb" is a duplicate, see pic)

2. As we add these notifications, some sorting options would be useful, like a Dev column.



Music Software Deals01.jpg

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On 4/22/2022 at 12:50 PM, mibby said:

That would work nicely, I think.  I just now noticed you link from the History page.

I'm sure you're getting tired of hearing this, but this is a great idea and super useful!  Well done!

We've added some filtering on the price alert page (where you can see all of your price alerts setup) and you can click through to the "product price history" page for any product in your price alerts page now too (just click the product name)

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3 hours ago, Music Software Deals said:

We've added some filtering on the price alert page (where you can see all of your price alerts setup) and you can click through to the "product price history" page for any product in your price alerts page now too (just click the product name)

And you added the "Add Alert" next to the History tab! 

  • However.... it just seems to open to another window of MSD, so I don't think it's quite working yet.  It should do the same thing as the "Add Alert" button from the History page, right?

The sorting in the Alerts section works great! 

The check-boxes in the Alerts section is nice for maintenance too.  It lets me remove the duplicate entries.  ?

  • FR: When you open on the "Add Alert" page, can you default to a choice like "Any Price Drop"?  And while I'm being nit-picky, can you make "Any price drop" the first item AND default to it?  That's would makes sense to me anyway.

Observation: This is just a general one, but it might be handy for "personalizing" the MSD browsing. Once I've entered my email address to set up an Alert, you have now captured my "user id" and can pass it around in the URL.  Now that you have it, you could use it to personalize EACH of the pages to a user's preference if that sort of setup existed. For example, I'd like to get rid of all the "Samples" and "Instruments" noise initially and just browse effects.  I realize you have the Categories sort, but I don't use that since it's not dependable. But keeping my preferred Manufactures (Developers) and Stores could work, where those drop-downs are pre-checked for me when you have my email address.  

  • FR: Maybe there could be an option to "Save your filters" and if I select it, then you prompt for my email address? 

BTW, are our email addresses "protected" from being farmed? Are they masked or encrypted in any way? How do you store them? I can see your site being a big target for bots once it really takes off.  And now that I'm on the subject, please tell me you're not going to sell them! ?

Just thinking out loud really....





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1 hour ago, mibby said:

And you added the "Add Alert" next to the History tab! 

  • However.... it just seems to open to another window of MSD, so I don't think it's quite working yet.  It should do the same thing as the "Add Alert" button from the History page, right?

The sorting in the Alerts section works great! 

The check-boxes in the Alerts section is nice for maintenance too.  It lets me remove the duplicate entries.  ?

  • FR: When you open on the "Add Alert" page, can you default to a choice like "Any Price Drop"?  And while I'm being nit-picky, can you make "Any price drop" the first item AND default to it?  That's would makes sense to me anyway.

Observation: This is just a general one, but it might be handy for "personalizing" the MSD browsing. Once I've entered my email address to set up an Alert, you have now captured my "user id" and can pass it around in the URL.  Now that you have it, you could use it to personalize EACH of the pages to a user's preference if that sort of setup existed. For example, I'd like to get rid of all the "Samples" and "Instruments" noise initially and just browse effects.  I realize you have the Categories sort, but I don't use that since it's not dependable. But keeping my preferred Manufactures (Developers) and Stores could work, where those drop-downs are pre-checked for me when you have my email address.  

  • FR: Maybe there could be an option to "Save your filters" and if I select it, then you prompt for my email address? 

BTW, are our email addresses "protected" from being farmed? Are they masked or encrypted in any way? How do you store them? I can see your site being a big target for bots once it really takes off.  And now that I'm on the subject, please tell me you're not going to sell them! ?

Just thinking out loud really....





1. Add alert only opens a new window - yep we're working on it at the moment actually so not done yet :)

2. Making "any price drop" first option and default chosen - Sure we can do that, added to list

3. Personalising/saving filters/protecting emails - ha no we're never going to sell your email address and there are a number of security measures in place already. However we have a number of ideas for personalisation and more protections going forward :)

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The newest changes are looking really good!  One thing:  when I'm in my Price Alerts and I click on an entry, I'm expecting to go to the Product tab, not the History page.  (Maybe it's just me?) 

I'd rather see this:


Than this.




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Added some more features:

1. Price range filter - choose the price range for deals you'd like to see 

2. Added "add alert" button to each deal on front page - default option is any price drop but you can select any options

Working on the "search" functionality at the moment to let you search for any product even if there's no deal happening at the moment so you can see the price history for that product, setup alerts etc.

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FR: When I click on Price Alert entry, could I be taken to Products view rather than History (see above)

FR: Assuming the Categories will become useful, can you make it a Filter dropdown like Manufacturers and Stores so I can UNcheck Instruments to reduce noise?

Suggestion: Price Range slider is slick, but it takes up too much screen real estate on my small laptop. Could we just have Min/Max fill-ins in stead?

I thought you might like to know, I got my first email alert!  (First pic) So that's working.  ...but, it needs some formatting.  I know you're just getting it started, but the second pic is an example of an alert which is very useful.



(above from Music Software Deals)





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@mibbythanks for all of this feedback really appreciate it, please keep it coming!


1. Slider over dropdown - we're fixing this at the moment

2. Slider being too large - yep we could change how its shown

3. Email alerts we intend to improve and are looking at right now. Do you mind me asking where are the price alerts from in your screenshot? What would you like to see in your price alert email, image, unsubscribe from one, unsibscribe from all?


When you say you expect to be brought through to the product tab instead of history page, what would that look like exactly? Just a blank page with nothing other than the square on it? What is the point of being shown the square image when you click the link instead of the full history page?

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3 hours ago, Music Software Deals said:

@mibbythanks for all of this feedback really appreciate it, please keep it coming!

1. Slider over dropdown - we're fixing this at the moment

2. Slider being too large - yep we could change how its shown

3. Email alerts we intend to improve and are looking at right now. Do you mind me asking where are the price alerts from in your screenshot? What would you like to see in your price alert email, image, unsubscribe from one, unsibscribe from all?


2. The slider is nice but unnecessary IMHO. Simple Min/Max Price fill-ins would work better.  I'd like to be able to set a Max Price and have the site use that as my default whenever I pull up the page. It would cut down on the "noise".  I keep saying "noise" because I don't want to have to sort and filter the same way every time I go onto the site which I have to do to get rid of the stuff I don't want to see or that I am not interested in.  You want your users to get to their preferred settings as quickly and efficiently as possible.  I assume that's the goal.  (It should be.)  :) 

3. That Price Alert came from JRR.  Best Service sends out an email when an item on your Wishlist is on sale and is pretty basic. But it works to get me to click onto their site by going right to the Product page to look at the sale. I'm not aware of other sites with email alerts.

What would I like to see on a Price Alert email? I think the one from JRR pretty much covers it: 

  1. Prices
  2. Product Page link - Take me to where I can buy it
  3. Unsubscribe from specific alert
  4. Unsubscribe from all alerts
  5. Maybe a link to take me to my Price Alerts page or even Site Maintenance page. (If you add that)  Easy to do since you already know my email address.

When you say you expect to be brought through to the product tab instead of history page, what would that look like exactly?

Just like the pic above. Right now, when I'm on the "price-alerts" page, clicking the Product takes me to "price-history" page. I would rather go to page for THAT Product. (Audiority Grainspace in my example in the post above.)

FR: Can you store "preferred defaults" in our "psuedo account" - I forget what you called it?  (The same way you're storing our Email Alerts)  So, once we enter our email address, you pass that around as a parameter in the URL and you can preload any user input fields with defaults for that page, if they exist.  What if, you started storing our preferred defaults the same way? THEN, I could bookmark the Music Software Deals site with my ID in the URL and it would open to my preferred defaults every time? That would be AWESOME!  Essentially, any page that has any sort of user input options could save these defaults. Then, when that UserID is passed into the page, it populates the defaults for that user. I hope that made sense.

FR: I don't think you're scraping the Developer's own store pages?  Sometimes they have just as good sales as the resellers. Plus, some devs give discounts on their own site if you own products from them. Can you add "Developer Stores" to the pages you scrape for deals?


PS. I love the Price Alert next to History on the bottom of each Product tab. Super efficient!


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On 5/7/2022 at 4:33 PM, mibby said:

FR: Would be informative if there was a Updated Date/Time on the main page somewhere. Maybe next to the Grid/List icon below the filters?

Thanks, we've added that to the top of the website @mibby so you can see the last time the stores were scraped

A few comments:

- You can type into the price slider to select your min/max prices to show (we'll improve the layout later though)

- We're in the process of updating the price alert email structure at the moment thanks for that feedback

- We've updated the layout of the table view a little to improve that

- We're in the process of storing your preferred search defaults at the moment. How it will work is each time you update the search filtering (eg. select a max price or chose a category) we update the URL (without reloading) and you can just bookmark that search in your browser or share the URL with someone.  When you visits again using that URL we do a search based on the parameters in the URL. So no need for us to save your profile / information, we just update the URL based on your search parameters.

One question for you that I'm still not sure about:


Just like the pic above. Right now, when I'm on the "price-alerts" page, clicking the Product takes me to "price-history" page. I would rather go to page for THAT Product. (Audiority Grainspace in my example in the post above.)

So say you have a price alert setup on Audiority Grainspace. You click on the link for Audiority Grainspace in your "price alerts" page and it will bring you to where? The Audiority website? The Grainspace product page on Plugin Boutique etc.?


FR: I don't think you're scraping the Developer's own store pages?  Sometimes they have just as good sales as the resellers. Plus, some devs give discounts on their own site if you own products from them. Can you add "Developer Stores" to the pages you scrape for deals?

Yes we scrape Waves directly for example. Who in particular do you want to see scraped?

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@mibby We've now added the new feature you asked for. Now when you change the search/display criteria, the URL autoupdates with the filters you choose so you can bookmark that particular search for the future. For example:


The above URL will show all deal from $0-$20 in ascending order starting from cheapest to most expensive within that bracket. This one would show all deals from Plugin Boutique only that are $0-$10:


So just change your search/filter criteria then save that URL as a bookmark and it will load the data you're looking for each time automatically ?


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3 hours ago, Music Software Deals said:

@mibby We've now added the new feature you asked for. Now when you change the search/display criteria, the URL autoupdates with the filters you choose so you can bookmark that particular search for the future. For example:


The above URL will show all deal from $0-$20 in ascending order starting from cheapest to most expensive within that bracket. This one would show all deals from Plugin Boutique only that are $0-$10:


So just change your search/filter criteria then save that URL as a bookmark and it will load the data you're looking for each time automatically ?


Sweet! HUGE time saver right there!  I keep meaning to respond to your earlier questions but I've been very short on time  lately...


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On 5/17/2022 at 12:30 PM, mibby said:

Sweet! HUGE time saver right there!  I keep meaning to respond to your earlier questions but I've been very short on time  lately...


Thanks. We've also updated the search box so if you search for a company name (manufacturer) it will show the results there too. Eg. if you search for Project SAM, it will show you all Project Sam products in the results

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was doing a search for the word "Chord"  (I was looking for chordpotion)  and I got a LOT of hits from the STORE ADSR for the same deal, same price

The item was "Chords" - Price $19.95 - Manufacturer was WA Productions

I think this is a bug in your search - I believe there should only be one listed with the above parameters.




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4 hours ago, Syphus said:

I was doing a search for the word "Chord"  (I was looking for chordpotion)  and I got a LOT of hits from the STORE ADSR for the same deal, same price

The item was "Chords" - Price $19.95 - Manufacturer was WA Productions

I think this is a bug in your search - I believe there should only be one listed with the above parameters.




Thanks! Yep that's a big which we're fixing at the moment. Each of the duplicates gets merged into one

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've just added Neural DSP now after it being a popular request:




We've also fixed some small bugs like duplicate products being displayed and added logic to our backend to deal with different vendors calling products slightly different names (now they're all merged into one automagically). 

Next on the agenda will be a massive redesign to improve the look and layout and make it even easier to browse.

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