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CbB 2019.05 and Melodyne BUG


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Hi Folks, the same ol story with melodyne. Bug is not fixed.
I can repeat it:

1. Open a project
2. Click on a short vocal part and create a region-fx (Ctrl+M) with melodyne
3. Melodyne Window open with blobs and melodic algorythm (Standard) ... all seems to be ok
4. In melodyne window menu go to edit / Undo
5. You see now the blobs in percussion mode
6. Go to Undo (Ctrl-Z) in CbB menu to close and undo the region-fx
7. NOW click on the same vocal part or another clip to highlight it and create once more a region-fx with melodyne

Melodyne window opens and you will see NOTHING! An empty window without blobs!
It's not possible to select any algorythm.

Please can somebody try it and confirm?
Does anyone have a solution to the problem that existed before with version 4.1?

Edited by Harry C.
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I don't see any issue following your steps with Melodyne Studio. Which version are you running?
In any case this would be a Melodyne report and not CbB related so you should contact Celemony directly.

>>4. In melodyne window menu go to edit / cancel

I assume that you meant edit Undo here since there is no cancel menu item.

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Thank you guys for testing. I use melodyne editor  german version.

>>4. In melodyne window menu go to edit / cancel
Therefore the menu point is "Widerrufen" which is in english revoke, i think you are right, that does not mean cancel but undo.

So the issue seems to be either in german version of CbB or in german Melodyne because it seems to work in english version.

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Hello again,

after deinstallation and a new fresh installation of melodyne is it worst than before. Now i can see never blobs after creating region-fx.
BUT: I tried it with a new project and now everthing is ok!!!

So the reason seems to be in the old project which i used some clips already with the previous version of melodyne.
Something in the cakewalk file cwp seems to be fault ?

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  On 5/23/2019 at 3:56 PM, Harry C. said:

So the reason seems to be in the old project which i used some clips already with the previous version of melodyne.
Something in the cakewalk file cwp seems to be fault ?


After update CbB to latest version, I noticed Melodyne region FX disappeared on one of my old project and it became just audio clip. (Clip name and color still looked like Melodyne region FX.) It was weird... So I had to make Melodyne region FX for that clip again. There might be an issue, I think...

Oh... I had misunderstood. When I checked old backed up project, It was freezed track. I'm so embarrassed. xD
(I usually don't do a freezing so I am not used to it.)

Edited by HIBI
It was my misunderstanding...
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Hello all, last fall there were issues with Melodyne 4.2 and CbB. at the time, Melodyne claimed they couldn't reproduce the error, and to keep working I reinstalled version 4.1, which has been working. I since finished the project I was working on, and due to health issues I've been off the radar since January. just getting back to things now and wondered if Melodyne 4.3 is working properly these days with the CbB 2019.5, which I just installed... can anyone update me please??? Thank you

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  On 5/22/2019 at 5:35 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

I don't see any issue following your steps with Melodyne Studio. Which version are you running?
In any case this would be a Melodyne report and not CbB related so you should contact Celemony directly.


I can confirm this is really happening. Before I saw this thread I posted one of my own, describing a problem just like this one, only in my case it's intermittent and random.

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  On 5/23/2019 at 10:25 PM, Jack Hawk said:

...just getting back to things now and wondered if Melodyne 4.3 is working properly these days with the CbB 2019.5, which I just installed... can anyone update me please???


FYI, the latest  version of Melodyne is And despite some issues, the latest version of Cakewalk is working well with the latest version of Melodyne. Unfortunately for me, I am having issues. I'd still recommend going ahead and updating.

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