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Baby Boomer Blues (Now with lyrics added)

freddy j

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Here is a number where this crotchety old cat is fussin' and fumin' (that would be me).  Actually, I wrote this a while ago and now I'm even older and more crotchety.

Suggestions, crit.'s, and comments will be appreciated.  As I am want to do, I may have used a touch too much verb on the vocal (?).  What else is new --- right?

CAN ANYONE RELATE ??? or am I all alone on this topic?  ?




INTRO                      Listen up you all  ----  You may be in the same situation as me

VERSE 1                 Who would have thought when I was 25   ---   I'd still be here kickin' and alive

                                    Hippies said don't trust those past 30   ---   How about today, can I even trust me

CHORUS               This is not Earth shaking news    ---   I've got the Baby Boomer Blues

                                     My middle has gotten big and my hair is gray   ---   Don't count me out,   listen to what I say

                                     Life is a teacher and dues you must pay   ---  I know more now than I did yesterday

VERSE 2                 I grunt when I get out of my chair   ---   I'm out of style with the clothes I wear

                                    I'm even thinking about Medicare (?)   ---   My mind is young , it doesn't seem fair

CHORUS              Repeat

LEAD BREAK     with talking  --- Oh, Baby Boomer Blues, Oh Well

                                                                       It's gray but I don't have much hair left      ----   YEAHssssss

VERSE 1                Repeat

CHORUS              Repeat

OUTRO                 with talking     Boom Boom Baby Boomer Blues (3X)

                                                                    I've got the Baby Boomer Blues    ---   Oh No!

Edited by freddy j
to add lyrics
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I love it Freddy! Your lyrics are always so funny, but so relatable because it's real life. You have a way with words, brother. I like the  bluesy feel, and your vocal delivery is spot on. I think your right about the reverb. Maybe just a touch heavy, but it doesn't stick out or detract from the song. I love it man. Nice job!

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I'm with you on this one, Freddy.  I didn't know what it was called, but you diagnosed me perfectly.  You put into words what many of us think and feel, and in a way that's reassuring to me.  I like your harmonica playing in this because the tone is thick and meaty.  As I've said before, there's a gig for you in KC whenever you're ready to relocate :)

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Yep, count me in. Fun tune, and these lyrics really mesh with your voice and vocal style. Mix-wise, there might be a lot of midrange elements at any given time. I can hear you low-harmonied yourself - that sounds good! But could you maybe take a notch out of that low harmony part? Maybe it might clear up something a little in the middle? Just a thought.

<gets off of Freddy's lawn>





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Hi Hidden Symmetry.  I very glad that you liked it.  Thank you.  I am also pleased that I am not the only that feels this way. ?

Hi  Leadfoot.  Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement.  My use of reverb is not as bad as it used to be but I still have to watch myself.  I guess that we might not like this process of maturing (I'll kindly call it that) but it seems we have little choice about it.  However, aging is a heck of a price to pay for maturity!  Thanks again.

Hey Douglas.  Thanks very much for taking time to listen and for your comments.  I go back an forth on the reverb on this song.  I do have to watch it as I tend to abuse it.  Thanks again for the kind words.

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I really wish you would post the lyrics because there are a few lines that I can't quite get but the ones I can understand I can definitely relate to.  My middle seems to be growing to (almost) whale size and I can trust my mind, but not my body.  I'm finding that when you get past 50 you can't count on everything working correctly when you need it to like you can when you're a young buck.  Take note you "youngsters" and gen X ers.  Your time will be here before you know it.

Love the bluesy style, as usual.  You sure can sing the blues, Freddy!

?John B

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This tune came out nice Freddy , I enjoyed listening to the song ..I did have to repeat a section here and there to catch some of the lyrics .

Yeah man concerning the songs message ...I'm right there .....ssshhhh don't tell any one ...lol

Actually saw something that blew my head today ...I was in the gym working out and I saw an older fella working out near me ...

I asked him how old he was and he told me he was 93 years old ...I was like WTF ...I thought he could have been 70 ...he got a kick out of my reaction ...

Yeah I want to be more like him in 30 years .....if I can make it

not what it is now for me  , a crusty ole dried up and bitter about every thing that happens in my life  including  the state of my rented lawn version of




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Hey Daryl.  I will add you to the list of those who can relate and now you can consider yourself a member of the Reluctant Mature Musicians Club (RMMC).  I'm  glad that it made you chuckle --- after all that was the point of the song.  Thanks for listening and commenting.

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks for the kind words my friend.  I know that at least some of us on this forum can relate to the subject.  I'll add you to the list and the RMMC rolls.  It is always a challenge to find a photo that will match the song.  Thanks again!

Hi Allan.  I'll also add you to the list of those who can relate.  An RMMC invitation is extended.  Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment.

Hi Lynn.  You are also on the list and consider yourself a member or the RMMC.  Thanks for your kind comments.  KC huh --- hmmm, what is the weather like! ?

Hey Tom.  Another one for the list of those who can relate (and invitation extended).  Thanks very much for your suggestions.  I'll be going back to the working file on this song to take a look at what I can do and also apply this advice for any future song.  Thanks again.

Hello Jesse!  I'm sorry, but if you can't relate you can't get on the list or obtain membership in the RMMC.  However,  not to worry!!!  Time passes very quickly and before you know it, bingo, you'll be able to relate and up for membership.  After all there are some advantages to -- ummm -- let's call it to maturity.  Thanks for listening and your kind comments Jesse!!

Hi DeeringAmps.  1952, Yup your in and on the list.  Thanks very much for listening and the kind comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paul.  I'm sorry that you got the Blues.  Apparently I should put you on the list of those who can relate also.  I view the picture as being happy that I made it this far!  So look at these as the happy Blues not the sad Blues.  Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!

Thank you John!  I will also add you to the membership list of those who can relate.  Your comments about the Gen X'ers is spot on.  Also it applies to the Millenials and for all who follow.  It seems  as if your are young and then blink and all of a sudden you got the Baby Boomer Blues.  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments!

Hey Kenny.  Welcome to the club!  Yup that is how I want to be when I'm 93.  Thanks for taking the time to listen and for your comments.  I will try and find the lyrics for this song and post them if I am successful in finding them. Thanks again.

Hi Wookiee.  Thanks for listening and I very much appreciate your comments.  About the vocals --- you know me,  I have a penchant for abusing reverb.  Maybe some day I will kick the habit and get it right.  Thanks again.


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