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freddy j

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Here is a kind of rockin', pop-ish song.  The subject in this song is absolutely thrilled with his lover.  It has undergone a number of iterations since I wrote it (a long while ago) for my wife.  This is the latest version.

I have applied some techniques that are new and/or different for me (e.g., Q values for EQ, panning, high pass) and hopefully this will address some of the issues that I have had previously.

As always comments, suggestions, crit's, etc. will be much appreciated.  I hope you enjoy.




Edited by freddy j
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Thank you Douglas.  You are most kind and I appreciate the encouragement!!!

Hi Allan and Jack.  You may have read some of my whining, in previous posts, about my relationship with MIDI, synths, etc.  I knew something was a wee bit off in this song but I could not exactly place it.  Being a suspicious sort of person, I immediately suspected the MIDI piano.  I was struggling with its latency.  I figured that if I put this song on the forum  surely some one would catch it and help.  I was right and  took your advice and re-recorded the guitars panned left and right.  I think that might have addressed most of the suggestions that you made.  At least to these tired old ears it does sound a bit better.  The bass and drums were brought up a bit and sounded OK on my system but after loading it up on SoundClick they still sound as if they could come up just a bit more.  Thanks very much for listening and offering the suggestions!!

Hi tom.  Thank you very much my friend!  I have only one good thing that I can say about the  CoVid pandemic --- it has given me much more spare time to play with my guitars and Cakewalk by BandLab  (hmmm, I have never been that much of an optimist before ☺️).  Thanks again!

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Hi David.  Thank you very much for the kind comments - very much appreciated!!  I am guilty of trying to play all the instruments.  The exception is the drums.  I used some WAV clips from Beta Monkey for this song! 

BTW, I really enjoyed your recent post!! Nice work.

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Thank you Bjorn.  I tend to reach back to that era for inspiration (perhaps too often).  I find the simplicity refreshing!  I often wonder how studio gurus like Tom Dowd produced the work that he did without the sophistication of today's studios.  Many thanks again my friend!

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Fred, first, this is an awesome song!  Second, the detail in the mix is terrific, and the separation of all elements is very good.  I wouldn't mind hearing a little more bass and drums, but just a db or two, and that might superglue this mix into something spectacular.  Right now, this is ready for a radio as is.  Super Duper!

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Hi Steve.  I am very glad that you liked it.  Thanks very much for listening and commenting!!

Hi Lynn.  Thanks very much for the good words and encouragement.  I got the message about the bass and drums and will give it a look-over once I make corrections to the "Stop The World" song.  So much to do and so little time ?.  Thanks again pal!!

Hey Nigel.  You are too kind my friend.  I am glad that you liked it and thank you for the good words!!

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