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How to adjust "Freeze Synth" tail length?


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I can't find the setting for the "Freeze Synth" tail length. With other words for how long it will record after the last note has stopped.

The best would be if it automatically recorded until total silence from the VSTi, but it doesn't. And I can't find any setting for this.

The thing is that every time there is a long reverb or delay on a synth I try to freeze, the audio clip is just cut before the reverb or delay is finished.

A way to solve this is to put another note or anything long after the last note that one want to keep, freeze the track and then just cut the audio. However this is unnecessarily time consuming and should be done automatically by the DAW.

Any ideas?

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On 1/6/2022 at 2:29 AM, scook said:

Drag the clip edge as long as necessary

When using the extra note method, to avoid having to edit the unwanted note from the frozen track, set the note velocity to 0.


Thanks scook! Dragging the clip edge only extends silence, and not any actual recording, unfortunately. But the Freeze option settings recommended just above solved my problem!

Edited by pulsewalk
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On 1/6/2022 at 7:13 AM, Lord Tim said:

You can adjust the options for freezing by right-clicking the Freeze icon and choosing Freeze Options from the context menu, where you can set the Freeze tail duration:


But I tend to mostly do what Steve mentioned above and just drag out the clip end to as long as I need.

Fantastic man! Thanks alot! This was EXACTLY what I was looking for! Perfect!

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Just now, mark skinner said:

Drag the clip edge out "before" freezing 

Ohhhh!! Hahaha, man, why didn't I think of that :D Of course, you're correct!
However, editing the freeze options was even better, then I don't need to drag the clip edges at all, as it will all be automated after I've set up the desired tail length and enabled silence removal and so forth :) Thanks anyway mate!

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