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All my vocal tracks have today decided to be silent!


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Hi all,

Just when I thought it was safe to get back into the water and do some work without pleading for help from the forum yet again,  disaster. Opened up the track ( see screenshot) and all of the vocals will not give a sound. Signal is there as can be seen,  but in terms of sound output, nothing, zilch, nada. Obviously I have used melodyne and vocal thickening, but none of the tracks emits a squeak. Solo them all one by one and still nothing.  Checked the buses etc.

Everything was fine last time I worked on the track. I'm baffled. It seems every time this forum helps me out and I move on, another weird problem turns up out of the blue? I dont think I have done anything, never mind anything wrong, I  simply closed the project and opened it again. Its the same for my three saved earlier versions. AAAAAGGGHHH!

help appreciated....

missing vox.png

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It shows you have melodyne on each track?  Are each of these instances showing audio in the melodyne program?


Personally -  I use Melodyne Studio, but I never use it as a real time effect on a track. I edit and render the audio back to it's track.  That's my usual workflow - but I have a very old and under resourced system.

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If you did open the session without making any changes, I would check outside CW, all the audiopath: speakers On (very common mistake), amplifier On...

And if this not solve it, try to sound other sound source inside CW, like a piano or something, to isolate the problem: is it only the vocals tracks that don't sound, or just anything will sound?

And don't forget to check your audio interface (properly working) and configured in itself and within CW.

Cheer up; a common way of learning upside down your studio (which in itself is like learning to play an instrument) is by encountering and solving this kind of problems. :) 


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Okay, working through the replies and suggestions;

1. Yes the master bus shows an audio signal.

2. The instances of melodyne show vocals, however the red and yellow "blobs" are greyed out. I'm thinking something went wrong with my upgrade to melodyne 5.1 yesterday and its effected the vocals. see screenshot. I will now try to look further into this.

missing vox.png

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It should not be greyed out... something is wrong. And the track list and the side is written in red, which is unusual. 

How about deleting Melodyne on those clips to check the original recordings? seems like the audio is not available, or something like that.

Have you changed CW audio paths recently? May be your project is trying to play an audio that is somehow unavailable. If you have a backup copy of your project (with project's audio included), you could start again from this copy.

Or, create a new project with vocals+Melodyne and see if there is the same problem in this new project, or is a project related problem.

The image shows how Melodyne should show tracks and audio.


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Okay, had an exhaustive  look, and I think its a Melodyne problem with the upgrade.  But my  new tracks work fine when I open Melodyne 5, so I am simply going to move on,  this problem track was mixed down anyway and I'll just accept the mix.

I simply haven't the time to figure out what went wrong,  but if it happens again obvs I will have no choice but to investigate. Its not ideal but I am so short of time i cant be going down these rabbit holes when I hit a glitch, and not writing or recording anything!


I couldnt figure out how to delete melodyne from a track retrospectively, how is this done? 

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49 minutes ago, RICHARD HUTCHINS said:

I couldnt figure out how to delete melodyne from a track retrospectively, how is this done? 

Can you just right click on the Melodyne in the FX bin, and delete / remove them?

Consider to close the Help Module in any view before you take serious project, specially if your PC only  utilize single display monitor. Safe your precious screen estate for viewing sake.  That's probably the reason why your vocal tracks practiced their right to remain silent on investigation..... ?

Happy new year BTW... Long live Cakey people!!!

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1 hour ago, RICHARD HUTCHINS said:

Okay, had an exhaustive  look, and I think its a Melodyne problem with the upgrade.  But my  new tracks work fine when I open Melodyne 5, so I am simply going to move on,  this problem track was mixed down anyway and I'll just accept the mix.

I simply haven't the time to figure out what went wrong,  but if it happens again obvs I will have no choice but to investigate. Its not ideal but I am so short of time i cant be going down these rabbit holes when I hit a glitch, and not writing or recording anything!


I couldnt figure out how to delete melodyne from a track retrospectively, how is this done? 

Not sure if you are aware, there are two ways of inserting Melodyne: as an efx into the fx bin, and as a region fx. The later is the one that I'm familiar to, and may be the most common scenario: it's non destructive, and you can bypass the region fx as well i f you need to.


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I either press Ctrl M or load it in the FX part of the track. But to be honest I have little real knowledge of what the difference is! I think when it is Ctrl M it does a similar thing to the "create region FX", and is preferable as it updates melodyne when the track changes. So, it seems the best way is to bypass the region FX as this is the non destructive method. Steep learning curve for me but my vocals are poor so I need to prioritise my learning of Melodyne! Thanks again.

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Hi Richard - I would second the recommendation to use Melodyne as a region effect and not a track effect. Simply Bounce to Clips to render the Melodyne edits permanent. This will release the Melodyne region and save a lot of processing overhead.

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On 12/31/2021 at 7:52 AM, RICHARD HUTCHINS said:

Okay, working through the replies and suggestions;

1. Yes the master bus shows an audio signal.

2. The instances of melodyne show vocals, however the red and yellow "blobs" are greyed out. I'm thinking something went wrong with my upgrade to melodyne 5.1 yesterday and its effected the vocals. see screenshot. I will now try to look further into this.

missing vox.png

I may be wrong but if this screenshot is supposed to be melodyne 5, I don’t think it has a transfer button. I think older versions had to be transferred (played into melodyne). Not at my computer now. 
i agree about using it as a region fx and rendering when done editing. 

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