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Larry Shelby

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The REAL bottom line is that, until you can divorce yourself - FROM YOURSELF, you
cannot attain to any "truth"!  The Chinese would say that you have to  "Empty your cup" if your TRULY
wanted to "learn" something...the Bible says it this way...

"Except ye become as a little child...."

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4 hours ago, cclarry said:

We, being only flesh, form our opinions mostly by our "indoctrination" and "experience" and those "opinions" may, or may not, actually be "factual"!
We fail to grasp the concept that facts don't require us to believe in them...they exist outside of "opinion and belief"! 
The big problem is that most people don't want "facts"!  They want what THEY PERCEIVE as
facts to be reinforced by "external sources"!  Hence why most, even when provided with UNQUESTIONABLE FACTS, will 
reject those facts - because that information doesn't "reinforce" their own "perception of the facts"!

A man is convinced he is dead. His wife and kids are exasperated. They keep telling him he's not dead. But he continues to insist he's dead.

They try telling him, "Look, you're not dead; you're walking and talking and breathing; how can you be dead?" But he continues to insist he is dead.

The family finally takes him to a doctor. The doctor pulls out some medical books to demonstrate to the man that dead men do not bleed. After some time, the man admits that dead men do not bleed.

The doctor then takes the man's hand and a needle and pokes the end of his finger. The man starts bleeding. He looks at his finger and says, "What do you know? DEAD MEN DO BLEED!"

Edited by Doug Rintoul
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On 12/30/2021 at 8:56 AM, paulo said:

My point (joke) was that a person castigating someone just for thinking their opinion is always correct, regardless of topic, is like them saying that they don't believe their own opinions.


My ex-wife used to say to me, "You always think you're right".

My response was, "If I thought I was wrong, I would change my opinion".


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