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Supa Reels

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Agree with the Peter Gabriel comment. Lovely melody and arrangement. Everything's nice and clear, particularly the vocals which sound great. To my ear the vocals might be pulled back a bit to let the blend with the instruments but it works the way you have it too. This is good stuff!

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22 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Sad and soulful but it ends a bit abrupt. 

A bit like your comment LOL ...dead right though, 'cause for some reason, best know to SC my last few milliseconds have been sent to the cosmos  ... maybe to be found in your trip through the universe in your stuff .. Have a good one ?

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17 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Steve, this has always been one of my favorite songs of yours.  It gets better every time I hear it!  Have a merry Christmas and happy new year!

And the very same to you Lynn,  and your family ... Keep well and stay safe

Best wishes


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16 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

It's been awhile since I've been in love, it's probably why my songwriting is suffering.  Great song about a universal subject.  As usual your lyrics are stellar.  I thought the ending was ok, the suddenness being like a question mark at the end.

Thankyou David, not too sure that your songwriting is suffering as I always enjoy the trip 9_9

Stay safe


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The video matches the music production very well.  Lyrics and music are excellent. The only small nit I have the the string plucks seem a bit over done to my ears. Granted I had to be listening for them in the mix since they are low. I could see bringing them out in only certain places. Overall not a deal breaker for this. Excellent work!


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That's a great vocal, mellow yet emotional. Good work on this one! For me, watching a bunch of millennials in photo-romantic torture got a bit samey if not downright ridiculous, but that is 100% my age showing. :) I also found the string plucks cool but occasionally I wondered if they were being doubled, or were not in sync all the time? Might be worth a check . . .

The Peter Gabriel comparison is apt but you have your own thing going fer sure.




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On 12/28/2021 at 7:10 AM, bjornpdx said:

I feel like I'm repeating myself here Steve but you really do get the emotion across in your music. Just listening closely I can pick out all the little things in the background that contribute to that emotion coming out. Very well done.

We all thank each other for listening but there's something special in your comment that means so much.. thankyou for listening.

Stay well



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18 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

That's a great vocal, mellow yet emotional. Good work on this one! For me, watching a bunch of millennials in photo-romantic torture got a bit samey if not downright ridiculous, but that is 100% my age showing. :) I also found the string plucks cool but occasionally I wondered if they were being doubled, or were not in sync all the time? Might be worth a check . . .

The Peter Gabriel comparison is apt but you have your own thing going fer sure.





23 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

The video matches the music production very well.  Lyrics and music are excellent. The only small nit I have the the string plucks seem a bit over done to my ears. Granted I had to be listening for them in the mix since they are low. I could see bringing them out in only certain places. Overall not a deal breaker for this. Excellent work!


Hi Tom,

Your comments are well taken and I feel I could have done so much better. What I attempted, was to give a dual perspective on the whole song. In that I wanted the message to appeal both to the mail and female in broken relationships. I was limited on media and came up with this vid. I will check the strings as I now have the Spitfire BBC plug so I might do it again .. BTW I love your comment on a bit samey if not downright ridiculous, but that is 100% my age showing .. danno how old you are but it don't matter as I agree @ 70 but as said I had a limited media.

Thanks so much for your detailed comments





Hi Tim

Thankyou for your obs as said in my comment to Tom, I need to check those strings again. I think given the overall feedback it's something worth redoing, Thanks for the praise mate / Not lost here 9_9





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