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Steinberg Ur22mkII - without Steinberg yamaha driver distortion - with driver = latency




I am using a Steinberg UR22mkII audio interface in combination with Cakewalk.

Up until recently I did not have the recommended Steinberg Yamaha driver installed. Both in Cakewalk and also when playing audio in other programs every minute or so the sound would get distorted for a few seconds.

I have installed the Steinberg Yamaha driver now and the distorted sound is gone; however now the interface is giving me a 10ms buffer which I can not lower anymore and really it is too much, it creates kind of a slapback delay on what I'm playing. Without the driver installed I could manually adjust the buffersize to f.ex. 5ms which was much better.

Why can I not adjust the buffer size with the driver installed?


Thanks in advance for your reply

Best regards,


Pieter Daniels

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Try to use ASIO mode with native drivers. That always provide the best possible for (any) interface latency. In case you can't set the buffer to 128 or lower in ASIO, check computer optimization for audio. The rest depends from your PC and used plug-ins.

Note that without native drivers Windows and the interface add huge latency which is just not shown. If you don't want optimize the computer and ready to accept consequences, WASAPI sometimes can produce reasonable results (I guess ASIO drivers assume you are serious about audio and so some of them are not forgiving related computer problems).


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  On 12/8/2021 at 10:19 PM, Pieter said:

Why can I not adjust the buffer size with the driver installed?


Adjusting latency using the slider in CbB depends on the driver supporting the feature.

For drivers that do not support buffer size change requests from the DAW, use the software supplied by the interface manufacturer.

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