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Cooler Than Ice

freddy j

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This is a simple little Blues/Bluesabilly number using a typical Blues topic --- a guy bemoaning a "cooler than ice" woman.  I struggled with this one because I tried to include some horns (2 trumpets, sax, and baritone sax).  This required using VST plug-ins with which I am not accustomed ; MIDI with which I struggle; and soft synth.  I have a rather contentious relationship with these tools.  Therefore, any input would be greatly appreciated!




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I'll start with this; ?'s.
I'm a big fan, and its all about the freddy vibe and storytelling; lots of that here (but why am I not surprised?).

As to the midi horns, if I was "good" at it I'd simultaneously offer criticism and offer to help.
I do think you need to pan them off center, they're walking all over the vocal.
What VSTi did you use?

Overall, more freddy j being freddy j, and who doesn't love that?


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Thanks Jack.  This use of horns, synths, samplers, etc. is relatively new to me.  Playing horns is a bit different than guitar.  Trying to emulate the breathing, phrasing, etc. while trying to pay attention to recording and handling a keyboard are a bit overwhelming for a new area such as this for an old guy like me.  Then there is the mixing ... oh my!  Any specifics that you can provide me with would be much appreciated.

Hi Makke.  Thank you very much!  BTW, love the song on your recent post!

Hi tom and many thanks!  When I re-work this one I will spread the panning out more on the horns and perhaps tone them down a bit.  I used Session Horns (got it on sale) for the trumpets and the old Cakewalk TTS 1 1 for the baritone sax.  I tried the DSK and Saxophia VST's but liked the sound of the TTS 1 1 much better (lower register?).  I value your suggestions and appreciate your support.  Thank you again!!!

Hey Douglas.   It is a bit different for me - as is using these new VST's.    I'm very glad that you liked it.  I appreciate your taking time to listen and for the kind comments!

Hey Jesse.  How are you pal?  What I hear in my head is not always what comes out in the final product.  I think in most instances that is a good thing. ?  Thanks much for the comments and taking the time to listen.  Much appreciated!!

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Love the bluesy sound Freddy!

As others have mentioned, the vocals are competing with the horns. I would suggest spreading them out a little in panning; maybe the trumpets on one side and the saxes on the other, but not hard left/right (unless you're going for an LCR [Left-Centre-Right] mix). You might want to try some complementary EQ too: try boosting somewhere 3-4K on the vocals, while cutting the same frequencies slightly on the brass; it should help the vocals stand out a bit more.

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Other posters have remarked on the specifics of how this demo might be improved (and hey, we can all use advice on how to do that, right?) so...I'll just say that this is another good example of your creativity Freddy -- you come up with some new angles and ways of seeing things.  And, you find new ways of arranging blues motifs so now you have a big catalog of some very good songs in that genre.  Bravo to you, mate :) -- Allan. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a good holiday season. My apologies for taking  so long to respond but this was the first Christmas since the start of the pandemic that my wife and I had a chance to spend it with our son  and my sister.  We took some time to enjoy it and yes appropriate pandemic procedures were followed.    My family is too important to me not!

Hi Old Joad.  Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment!  The early electric blues of the 1950's and somewhat into the early 1960's is one of my favourite listening pleasures.  The music was: raw;  had a live emotional feel to it; loved the over-driven guitars; and the "under production" (is that a term?) are all what appeals to me.

Thank you Antler!  Good suggestions and I very much appreciate them.  I am also having a problem with the competition among instruments and vocals in current number on which I am working.  It is driving me crazy!  I will apply some of your suggestions to this effort!

Hi Allan.  You are right we can all use advise on our songs and I very much appreciate the advice that I have been given.  Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement.  That also is very much appreciated!!!!

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Hi Wookiee!  Thank you!  I appreciate your suggestions.  They match with other comments above.  I am working on a new number and experimenting on some possible fixes that could be used on this song.  The panning is definitely a requirement but I think I am using too high of a Q on the EQ (one of the problems).  I will try it out on this song if it seems that it might work!  Thanks again for the help!

Hi Nigel!  Thanks for listening and for the suggestions.  I think there is a consensus in all of the comments (above an yours) that panning is an issue (that might be an understatement).  As I mentioned in my comments to Wookiee above, I am also trying a couple of others things on a new song that might apply to this song.  Your help is always appreciated.  Thanks very much!

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