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"Headin East-West"

bats brew

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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

As always, so well composed, played and mixed.
I'm fan (as you well know) so a big ?'s from me!


assume the Strymon is the principle amp here?
do you capture a di as well and re-amp, or is it straight to "tape"?

hey tom!

so glad you dig this one, 

and i want to say, i very much appreciate your support!


you know, i've been recording bands and guitar amplifiers for several decades now...and i have a basement studio where i can crank up as loud as i want to record...

but when i decided to go with the Strymon Iridium (or just 'modeling' in general) i wanted to see if i could do everything i wanted with the most simple of setups:


and that's it!!

heheh, i DO use my pedalboard, but really, this is the tone generator set right here.


so to answer your question,  yes, 'straight to tape'.

i go into the Iridium, out and into my interface. 



no preamps, no reamps, no DI's, nothing but one cable in, one cable out.

now there is always trickery during mixdown! LOL, sometimes i print my fx, sometimes they are added on mixdown.

but generally, if i find a delay i like, i'll print it.... the only other modulation effects i ever use, are on my pedalboard (vibe pedal).


i'm quite happy with the end results, as far as amp models, IR's, etc...

i use all 3 of the amp models, deluxe, ac30 and superlead, but that is all about looking for gain structure...

for example, maybe i'll use the fender deluxe clean, thru a closed back 2x12, BUT i'll use my high gain REVV G3 pedal to drive it, so it sounds like a modern high gain amp, even tho it's a vintage fender deluxe...

stuff like that, is what i experiment with.

i bought an IR of a AMPEG 4x10 to use with my bass, but i also use it for guitar parts, and it sounds great!


on this particular song, i used the marshall superlead thru a friedman 4x12 cab with v30's, for all the solos, pushed with a Barber Direct Drive Super Sport.

the rhythms were the marshall, but set for clean breakup, thru a Mesa 2x12 OS cabinet.

it makes a big difference when you change the IR's out... i use them almost like EQ's.


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