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David Sprouse

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On 11/30/2021 at 7:20 AM, Tim Smith said:

Hey David, Dude you live in Portland? ? I hope things are better there now.

As to the music. What sample libraries are you using here? Just curious. 

Nice work and a very worthy subject matter.

Hi Tim,  


yes i'm in portland.  It's a bit *mad max* here at the moment.  D/t looks like detroit. :D  Samples were VSL solo strings.

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13 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

David, I can hear your Mother singing through this.

Her name was Frances?

Did her closest friends and family refer to her as that?

This has brought you closer to her; I imagine she knows.

Hi jess,  We're blessed that me mum is still with us.  Da too.  Her name is Frances but her childhood friend called her Franny  (it's rumored that she's the Franny from Franny and Zoey by J.D. Salinger.  She's from Windsor, Vt. the 14th state)  What should I call it: FRANNY or FRANCES?

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