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New Command Request: Constrain Clip to Measure

murat k.

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Clip after the Bounce to Clip(s) command:


I need an option for this command to extend the clip to the Measure Start-End automatically like this:


Everytime I  stretch the clips start and end point to the measures after the command. 

If we had an option like this, it would be great for our workflow.


Edited by murat k.
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  On 11/28/2021 at 1:03 PM, murat k. said:

Or there can be an independent command like "Extend Clip to the Meausure Start/End"


It's similar in some ways to the existing " Apply Trimming " function so maybe it could be an extension of this

Apply Trimming-> Constrain to Measure

Edited by Mark MoreThan-Shaw
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  • 8 months later...
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  On 12/11/2022 at 5:31 PM, David Baay said:

I'm curious what the use case is for this.


Probably the most common use case is when using CTRL+D.  As this places the duplicate clip immediately after the current one, this is invariably in the wrong place unless the clip ends on a measure boundary.

Personally, I'd like the default behaviour to never shrink MIDI clips to the the events extent - I'd rather it left the clip alone, or at least make it an option.

Unfortunately the code that automatically shrinks MIDI clips to the the events extent is buried deep within the code.

My first attempt at the "Automatically extend final take when loop recording in Comping mode"  change for the 2022-06 release tried to circumvent this behaviour, but ended up causing a raft of bugs as side-effects. So I had to take a different approach: rather than preventing it from shrinking, it just re-adjusts the clip end times before it does it's any of the splits.

For the use case I've described, this feels a bit like a workaround rather than a solution... however if you've never manually adjusted the clip in the first place, maybe this is the command to do it to avoid having to do it manually. 

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  On 12/12/2022 at 1:14 AM, msmcleod said:

Probably the most common use case is when using CTRL+D.  As this places the duplicate clip immediately after the current one, this is invariably in the wrong place unless the clip ends on a measure boundary.


Ah, okay. I wouldn't have encountered this since I continue to use either Groove Clips or Copy-Paste with Repetitions for this purpose. I never embraced Duplicate. ;^)

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  On 12/12/2022 at 1:14 AM, msmcleod said:

Probably the most common use case is when using CTRL+D.  As this places the duplicate clip immediately after the current one, this is invariably in the wrong place unless the clip ends on a measure boundary.


Exactly... And when on that topic, could any tweaks be made to Duplicate Clip, to make it a little "smarter" about alignment? Half the time I have to nudge my duplicated stuff back by a whole measure. ?

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