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Trying to integrate Bandlab into my workflow.


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Ok. I finally found a friend willing to undertake the task of us both learning the features of Bandlab. I use Cakewalk and he uses Logic. No problem.

Are the tracks published in the format (24/48) as are my settings?

I published and shared with him but I’m a bit confused. I uploaded a combination of mono/stereo tracks. In the Bandlab editor via chrome, they all appear mono but i hear panned sounds on them? Am I hallucinating? Am I being pointed to publish dual mono instead?


 Thanks. I’m a real newbie at Bandlab....

Edited by Keni
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"Cakewalk provides complete integration with your BandLab library, with support for downloads and uploads, tracking revision state, and setting song properties directly from within Cakewalk. You can export Cakewalk projects to BandLab as well as download projects from your BandLab library and open them in Cakewalk. "

To publish the current project to your BandLab library, select File > Publish to BandLab or choose Export > BandLab from the Export Control Bar module.

-Here is a link to the online documentation that explains how it all works at this current build version of Cakewalk.

 BandLab library import/export


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Thanks Clovis.


I did manage to begin a project share. Uploaded, shared, and other party added a track which I downloaded. I’m getting the hang if it.

 I’m about to check the link you kindly supplied as I seek to learn if/how to control file characteristics for up/download. It seems to do some converting which will lesson he value of system. Ok if the original tracks are converted as the masters exist, but all added files are only listening copies and must be sent separately to preserve HQ...

Interesting adventure!

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Ok... lots of features, but this one is a limiting factor.


All audio files are auto downsampled to 16 bit 44.1/48 (project dependent). So, no 24bit files.

Final transfers of additional tracks will require 24bit files to be re-sent separately...


Understandable, but too bad...



Edited by Keni
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@Keni Glad I could help but in doing so, I came away with a few good impressions (more likely personal bias) is that the integration and remote collaboration is finally a reality thanks to the marriage of Cakewalk and BandLab.   I most appreciate the openly direct and personal interaction that we get with the developers in this forum.  However...

 I've been dying to inform my inner nagging over the file bit-depth/sample rate process...preserved?? or not?? Going from DAW - MixEditor what is happening to the file when the bit depth is lowered?  What or when is dithering applied? What about using the automated mastering, does it also apply dither??  BL and Cakewalk integration is unfortunately a complete waste of time for me to indulge.

I feel the integration is damaging the "professional" prestige and reliability of Cakewalk (DAW) by leading us into these murky waters without a serious effort to inform serious audiophiles and engineers of these technical matters.

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@Keni I forgot to leave you a link to this utility plug in that does exactly what you are wanting to accomplish. Youcan do so between both WIndows and Mac machines, collaboratively, live, or staggered out, remotely, audio files preserve their sample rates and bits, and you can also exchange midi....its brilliant and its free!

Satellite Sessions Plugin - Music Collaboration (Ableton Live + Logic + Pro Tools + more!) 

Edited by Clovis Ramsay
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2 hours ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

@Keni Glad I could help but in doing so, I came away with a few good impressions (more likely personal bias) is that the integration and remote collaboration is finally a reality thanks to the marriage of Cakewalk and BandLab.   I most appreciate the openly direct and personal interaction that we get with the developers in this forum.  However...

 I've been dying to inform my inner nagging over the file bit-depth/sample rate process...preserved?? or not?? Going from DAW - MixEditor what is happening to the file when the bit depth is lowered?  What or when is dithering applied? What about using the automated mastering, does it also apply dither??  BL and Cakewalk integration is unfortunately a complete waste of time for me to indulge.

I feel the integration is damaging the "professional" prestige and reliability of Cakewalk (DAW) by leading us into these murky waters without a serious effort to inform serious audiophiles and engineers of these technical matters.

I agree completely. What I’m thinking is it’s good to share reference tracks but needs more development to allow for higher res file transfers for the master...


A good start. 

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2 hours ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

@Keni I forgot to leave you a link to this utility plug in that does exactly what you are wanting to accomplish. Youcan do so between both WIndows and Mac machines, collaboratively, live, or staggered out, remotely, audio files preserve their sample rates and bits, and you can also exchange midi....its brilliant and its free!

Satellite Sessions Plugin - Music Collaboration (Ableton Live + Logic + Pro Tools + more!) 

Thanks. Looks interesting and I’ll check it out when at DAW.

Too bad we lose the cake-band integration but this might be easier?

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I just looked over the satellite plugin...

Looks as though it's got some good things but it seems to be very tedious. I think using Bandlab as is and final transfer of files separately, this will be a good tool. I await the day when an update solves this issue and allows for higher bitrate transfers...

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20 hours ago, Keni said:

"I await the day when an update solves this issue and allows for higher bitrate transfers..."

When I started to utilize the BandLab online DAW in 2018, the features info graphic for importing mixdowns promoted itself as being 32bit@48khz capable.  It was also the standard to download your final imported mix or mixdown track at 24 bit/44khz lossless and then on down to the mp3 bitrates.

Now the download only offers 16bit/44khz which changed within this past year, I imagine those files ate up a lot of data storage!  Regarding the 32bit/48khz file upload, I cannot confirm this to still be the norm throughout the recent overhaul, but I will be sure to update the moment I find out.

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16 hours ago, Jeremy Oakes said:

If you want real time collabs try Jamulus


Thanks. I did a few dances with that previously. I see the potential as well as current limitations and complexity. 

Personally, I’m not looking for real time sessions. More so more convenient collaboration facilities that overcome real world roadblocks. Jamulus is a portion of that for sure at least in direction, but I feel it will take some significant overall internet improvements as well. Secure fixed/direct paths a major issue.

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21 minutes ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

When I started to utilize the BandLab online DAW in 2018, the features info graphic for importing mixdowns promoted itself as being 32bit@48khz capable.  It was also the standard to download your final imported mix or mixdown track at 24 bit/44khz lossless and then on down to the mp3 bitrates.

Now the download only offers 16bit/44khz which changed within this past year, I imagine those files ate up a lot of data storage!  Regarding the 32bit/48khz file upload, I cannot confirm this to still be the norm throughout the recent overhaul, but I will be sure to update the moment I find out.

May also have overloaded their bandwith too.


Maybe they will evolve a paid,  "pro" extension for those in need/desire? I’d buy in immediately...

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Yes the pay to upgrade is fairly common on uploads for music sites. Like the limits on Sound Cloud and Click etc. And then there’s always the “hey what did they do to my perfect master?”  After they render it to mush. Yes bandwidth is probably a bigger factor than storage. Mind you how many of you are aware of what’s happening with bit coin? 
My son is an electrician and his company is working overtime to build these huge power supplies used to house bit coin mining computers. He says they use massive amounts of power and bandwidth. Talk about an un environmentally friendly project. These mining boxes are using as much power as a huge factory would. And who knows what this does to local bandwidth. All for what?  
So maybe Bandlab needs the bandwidth for bit coin ? 

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