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Aren't You Cold

jack c.

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The answer to your question becomes far more interesting than you might expect. Especially on headphones!

I liked it very much. You and Jesse Screed on this forum share some musical DNA. Just great for an adventurous if indulgent listening experience.

If I could offer an opinion on the proceedings, it would be to improve your drum sample quality a little, or at least that open hi hat at fixed volume that just demands the listener's attention at the detriment of the other excellent song parts.

I appreciated the unexpected all the way along this ride. Thanks!


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22 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

I liked it very much

thanks for listen/comments.jack c.


22 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

improve your drum sample quality a little, or at least that open hi hat at fixed volume that just demands the listener's attention at the detriment

explain how to achieve this.i used cakewalkscal.jack c.

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1 hour ago, jack c. said:

thanks for listen/comments.jack c.


explain how to achieve this.i used cakewalkscal.jack c.

Hi Jack, you'd just add a third party drum program into your project. Addictive Drums 2 is usually a good place to start, but there are loads of other options..

I'm not familiar with the Cakewalk drums but I'd bet they have some more flexibility and different hi hats you could swap in or out. Again this is all just my tonal preference I'm relating to you. You might not want to change anything just because some guy on the internet says ?

The hi hat in your song is very much a "techno" hi hat, I think, but I thought your song would benefit from a more organic and natural acoustic drum vibe. Might be a thought, or not.


P.s. I listened again and I like the "tong" of the ride cymbal hit. But the open hi hat that follows it is the same sample each time, same waveform same sustain. Any way to mix it up could be a plus.

Edited by PhonoBrainer
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4 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

P.s. I listened again and I like the "tong" of the ride cymbal hit. But the open hi hat that follows it is the same sample each time, same waveform same sustain. Any way to mix it up could be a plus.

thanks for more insight.i used cal on cymbals so how can eachbeat be the same?jack c.i think what your saying is to use another type hh cymbal for more flavor?

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18 hours ago, Starise said:

I was getting into this bass groove and drums on this Jack. And I guess you don't give a              what anyone thinks

no my friend to the total opposite.i read all posts/comments as this helps me to grow/improve.little by little i try each new though/concept and see if it works for me.negative/positive.jack c.

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On 11/27/2021 at 1:36 PM, jack c. said:

how can eachbeat be the same?

Jack, depending on the drum VSTi you are using it uses the same sample every hit. The cal routine varies the velocities of the hits; depending on the library that might result in a more “realistic” performance, but does not guarantee that it will. That’s what Tom was trying to explain. I guess it begs the question, what are you using for drums?

Overall the tune works, just needs some “spit and polish”.


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