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The Love We Have


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I´m more of a song guy than a production type of chap so i felt somewhat qualified to add my pennethworth ,vocals are really great and the harmonies fit really well seems a simple song but I lknow there´s a lot of hard work gone into that congratulations , excelent song very difficult pull off and you did it well cheers P


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Hi Rex....imho not a lot of singers could sing this song...do it justice, so to speak.... but you have...as i said about Chivalry is Still Alive i would change the lead guitar from distorted/fuzzed to clean and smooth....i think some melodic fiddle playing would be a nice addition....and if you can find a good female singer for some harmony parts as well as some girls singing back up vox it would add to the song well....as Lynn Wilson as already said you are on a roll...Good Luck!!!!  ????

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Okay peeps, thanks for the awesome suggestions! I decided to change the lead guitar solo.

It is now a nylon guitar solo.

The electric was too noisy and jarring.

I also added a cello and organ (very subtle in spots).

Thanks, your suggestions helped complete this song!

Now it fits well (MUCH better) with the video content I chose to use with it.

Best to you Cakewalk peeps!


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