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Editing multi-mick recordings on all take lanes across several tracks at the same time.

Wojtek Stecyszyn

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Allow me to describe situation example:

I have recorded guitar on three tracks: two micks and one line. 9 takes so i have 9 take lanes on each track. Now when I do comping I really would like to do it on all three tracks (and all 27 take lanes) in the same time. Grouping the clips does not work well for take lanes. 

My friend showed me on Logic a cool feature - comping multiple take lanes across more than one track - when you do comping on one track the same operation is instantly done on every other track (and it's lanes) in selected group of tracks. I know that everyone who tried it at least once in Ligic is positively surprised how easy this can be. Could we make it so easy in CbB, please?

Below on YT video you can see how it works in Logic (from 2:14):


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That is pretty similar to how Cakewalk does it as well. Cakewalk even lets you automatically group the clips from each take. For instance, if you have a 4-mic drum recording, and your drummer tries 3 takes, there will be 3 groups of OHRt, OHLft, Kick and Snare, one group from each take.

Then, when it's time for editing and comping, edit moves applied to OHRt. (take 1) will be applied to OHLft. (take 1), Kick (take 1), and Snare (take 1).

It sounds like perhaps you want edits to be applied to every take across every lane in every track, but that's not really what that feature is for (although you can do it if you group all of the clips across all of the lanes), and the Logic video you linked to does not show the guy doing it.

Most comping workflows are designed with the idea that each take lane is for a take, and that you'll combine the different takes into a single one for each track. Cakewalk has a feature called Speed Comping that can do it really quickly, including automatically adding the crossfades like Logic does. It can be tricky to navigate at first, though.

If you want to use more than one of your takes in the finished product, you can move or copy one or more take lanes to another track. You can even have Cakewalk do this at record time, put each take in its own track. I think this latter choice might be better for what you wish to do. It makes it more flexible, especially for things like guitar and vocals, you can pan and effect and EQ them individually. I like to do this with my doubled guitar parts, pan them at 25L and 25R so that it sounds bigger.

If you already know about the things I told you, and you don't think they work well enough or you're having a hard time, please reply in greater detail, if possible.

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Thank you for replying.

I will try to clarify: Im looking for a way that will allow me to simultaneously edit take lanes in group of tracks - so in situation where I have multiple microphone recording and several takes i can group this tracks and then focus only on one track, open it's lanes and edit them and all my operations will automatically be applied to the same take lane in rest of the tracks from that group.

In order to specify what exactly I mean I have found another video on which you can see this feature in Logic. Please write if what you wrote in previous comment is something similar. 

watch from 3:17 to 4:24



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Dear gentlemens

 Im realy grateful for your comments but Im afraid that none of your suggestions is the solution Im looking for.  

I invite you to watch a short movie I made. Sorry for the quality - I made it quickly just to show the issue. The sound is low so give yourself a generous notch up on volume knob.


Write me if I'm still missing something or do I do something wrong but so far I couldn't find in CbB a multiple tracks lanes editing feature that would be so simple as in Logic.


Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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You grouped all the clips from every take together. You don't group all the clips in all the takes. You must group take 1 from track 1 with take 1 from track 2, 3 .... etc. Then do the same for take 2.

Then when you comp and select take 1 from track 1, take 1 from all the tracks will be selected. If you record the takes with the Group All Clips then this will already be done for you. Otherwise, you will have to set it up manually

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14 hours ago, reginaldStjohn said:

You grouped all the clips from every take together. You don't group all the clips in all the takes. You must group take 1 from track 1 with take 1 from track 2, 3 .... etc. Then do the same for take 2.

Then when you comp and select take 1 from track 1, take 1 from all the tracks will be selected. If you record the takes with the Group All Clips then this will already be done for you. Otherwise, you will have to set it up manually

Ok, I got it now :)

Thanks for helping me to understand.

So in order to enjoy this feature in CbB I have to prepare the tracks >> before << recording. I will give it a try tomorrow.

And this project that I have already recorded I would have to manually create group for each take from each track ...oh well,  quite a labor but worth the effort ;)

Well then, thanks guys for your help.

My love to Cakewalk is even stronger now, nevertheless what I once saw in Logic can't be unseen. Therefore I willll keep this post alive  but change the request:

I wish this feature in CbB would be more simple. So I wouldn't have to change recording methods each time but rather be able to group the tracks  with it's lanes in more convenient way at any given time during the session. 

So when I have "thousand" takes already recorded from multiple microphones I could just chose the tracks,  group them quickly in just few clicks and then have fun with choosing lanes.


Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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5 hours ago, Wojtek Stecyszyn said:

So in order to enjoy this feature in CbB I have to prepare the tracks >> before << recording .I will give it a try tomorrow.

And this project that I have already recorded I would have to manually create group for each take from each track ...oh well,  quite a labor but worth the effort

Once you set up your templates with Group all clips it will happen transparently and automatically.

After you get used to selecting takes with the Control key, grouping and ungrouping clips will go a lot faster.

It's going to take some time, no doubt, but I do think you'll be able to get very close to that Logic comping workflow. Who knows, you might find other tricks that only Cakewalk can do. Another hint: if you find yourself getting unexpected results while comping, right click on the Smart Tool icon and turn off "Comp." That makes the Smart Tool behave closer to comping methods used in other programs. With it turned on, Cakewalk assumes you want the Speed Comping workflow, which to me, was like trying to ride a MotoGP bike after riding nothing but street bikes. Also experiment with switching the Edit Tool to the Comping Tool (hit F8 a few times).

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I've tried option with setting the clip grouping  before recording - the results is exactly what I was looking for! 

Thanks once again for this enlightenment.

I wish I knew it elirer couse I already have few sessions with guitar takes on muti-mick tracks. 

Could I request a feature that would allow me to group them same way but >> after << the recording ... without the necessity of selecting and grouping every each take lane manually?

Edited by Wojtek Stecyszyn
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5 hours ago, Wojtek Stecyszyn said:

Could I request a feature that would allow me to group them same way but >> after << the recording ... without the necessity of selecting and grouping every each take lane manually?

Anyone may request any feature.

This one....I just accept it as a good incentive to remember to set Group All Clips before I start my sessions! ?

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It is a per-project setting. Change the project templates and new projects will be set by default.

If using factory project templates in the default folder, make sure to

  • save the templates under different names or they may get overwritten with an update or
  • use a custom project template folder.
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