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Needs extra work yet but soon done

Esther Brulard

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Hello! This is a song almost mixed. I have to cleen up the voice tracks ("ssss", "plop", and so on) and to fix some reverb effects (e.g 0:49). What's your opinion? Vocals more loud or quiet? It seems to be a little too much "in the face" when switching to a mono listening.


Edited by Esther Brulard
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Hello Esther....i am new here (almost two months) still learning DAW techniques so, i tend to have more opinions on the song itself (melody, arrangement, structure, instruments, chords....) than the DAW characteristics (sound quality, production, mix, timing, tones, effects, etcetera)....so, i must say this is excellent work as a song, playing, arrangement, quality of recording...such as Eleanor Rigby with a great piano written into it....i do not speak French but found the vocal work to be excellent and very enjoyable....i have found the mix to be virtually just as important as the song and from what i hear just needs a little knob turning (volume levels in different parts, tones in different parts....) here and there....most excellent work  ????

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Hi Esther. This is a great song - I really like the arrangement of the various parts; really good performances too!

In terms of the mix, I find that some elements stand out a little, e.g. the first reverse-reverb (at around 1:30), and some of the string parts later on in the song. I think I might try bringing up the piano and the kick drum a tiny bit; I might be tempted to compress the piano really gently too to give it slightly more sustain. I also might try running the background instruments again gently through a compressor to help glue them together, so that you get three 'parts' playing together: the vocals, the background music, and the drums.

It all depends on the overall sound you're trying to achieve though - the mix is pretty good as it is; don't tweak it if that's the sound that you're going for.

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 Esther , Wonderful instrumentation and Vocals.  I am "just now" learning to Trust a mono mix ,  and if a part doesn't cut thru the well enough , try a little different eq.  To me the vocals seem a little thick without the highs that put a little "air" in them.          Beautiful song ..       mark

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4 hours ago, Esther Brulard said:

Hello! This is a song almost mixed. I have to cleen up the voice tracks ("ssss", "plop", and so on) and to fix some reverb effects (e.g 0:49). What's your opinion? Vocals more loud or quiet? It seems to be a little too much "in the face" when switching to a mono listening.


Hi Esther - sounds good - I like the piano tone, sounds like a real acoustic piano.  One bit of advice I got along the way is that the vocal should sit in the mix.  Picture the players on stage and see if everything fits your vision.  For me, I would bring them down in the mix a little, but it varies from person to person.  You have a powerful voice.

Look into iZotope tools if you haven't already.  Nectar and Tonal Balance are good to work with.






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Une très belle chanson. Le chanteur chant fort bien. Il se peut que la voix soit un peu trop forte dans le mélange. Je crois que je reculerais pas mal sur la réverbération.
J'aime la chanson. Merci de l'avoir postée.

Beautiful song. The vocalist is very good.
Vocal seems a little too loud in the mix. I think I would back off on the reverb quite a lot.
I like the song. Thanks for posting.


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Oh thank you all for your answers. I have work a little more this song. Several of you have told me about the voice level, so i put it down a bit. And I have also put a bit more forward the kick, and add some extra low mid to the piano. I have lower the reverb from time to time. Here is the v2, sounds it better for you? :


Edited by Esther Brulard
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