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Access violation and crash with Sonitus effects


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I'm sure I can solve this by reinstalling. Does anyone know how I can reinstall just the Sonitus effects or completely reinstall Sonar (8.5.3) without losing all my plugs?

I've got about 130 and it's been a really long, tedious task getting everything authorized, I don't think I could face going through it all again. :)

Or, does anyone know how to find out what the conflicting program is? 

Thanks - rev

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I don't recall if there is an advanced install option in 8.5 but my guess is there is.

Near the beginning of the install process there should be an option to run an advanced install.

The advanced install option provides a checklist of plug-ins to install.

Even if there is not an advanced install option, re-running the installer will not hurt anything.

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Yes not that long ago I needed Tru Piano’s? Vvocal? I think it was. So I ran 8.5 install and managed to get what I wanted but with a bare bones 8.5. It takes up very little space.  And it comes in handy for  if the one in a million die hard users ask a question here. 
It didn’t seem to corrupt CbC 

The Sonitus stuff is DX like the Tts1 so they are becoming very outdated. Sad as many of us still like to use them. But I’m slowly finding replacements Only one I haven’t replaced is the delay. Can’t find anything close in design ( for free?

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Yeah, V-Vocal requires a minimal install of the DAW because it is not a regular plug-in and is not on the advanced install pick list. It is part of the SONAR core installer.

True Piano Amber is on the advanced install pick list.

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15 hours ago, John Vere said:


The Sonitus stuff is DX like the Tts1 so they are becoming very outdated. Sad as many of us still like to use them. But I’m slowly finding replacements Only one I haven’t replaced is the delay. Can’t find anything close in design ( for free?

I use the Sonitus delay a lot. I was looking through my Melda stuff and a delay isn't  part of their free/limited package.

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18 hours ago, John Vere said:

The Sonitus stuff is DX like the Tts1 so they are becoming very outdated. Sad as many of us still like to use them. But I’m slowly finding replacements Only one I haven’t replaced is the delay. Can’t find anything close in design ( for free?

I saw something from Tom's Hardware or CNET I think stating that Intel might be dropping DX support because of security concerns for some processors. 

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5 hours ago, Terry Kelley said:

I use the Sonitus delay a lot. I was looking through my Melda stuff and a delay isn't  part of their free/limited package.

Ya, I have scanned all the freebie Delays and downloaded a few. Not even close. It seems odd because delay doesn't have to be as complicated as a lot of them seem to be. I got spoiled by my Yamaha 01v delay which had tap tempo and a very similar interface as the Sonitus.  I have been trying the  Voxingo Tempo delay that seems the best so far, 

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On 11/8/2021 at 7:05 PM, John Vere said:

The Sonitus stuff is DX like the Tts1 so they are becoming very outdated.


18 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

I saw something from Tom's Hardware or CNET I think stating that Intel might be dropping DX support because of security concerns for some processors. 

DX is a software spec. It doesn't require any specific hardware support. It's not going obsolete. DX isn't just for music production. It's used by thousands, perhaps millions of business applications that Microsoft isn't going to suddenly kill. The "X" in X-Box has the same meaning as the "X" in DX. Bottom line is you needn't worry about your DX plugins suddenly dropping dead on you. As long as Cakewalk continues to support them, you're good.

rev, what preceded this failure? New computer? Re-install of Windows? Did you get a crash dump?

You may just have to re-register the Sonitus DLLs. By "re-register", I don't mean re-authorize, but rather letting Windows know they exist. This normally happens as part of the installation, but you can also do it manually if needed. Another possibility is that some dependency is missing. If that's the case, it will become apparent when you try to register the DLLs.


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Well the TTS1 has certainly become unstable. Just yesterday for the first time in a long while. It did the sudden disappearance act. 
It was a midi file I opened with it loaded, only 5 tracks. I had had it open like this a few times as I’m using it to demonstrate replacement of TTS1 tracks with other instruments. 
With no warning Cakewalk closed and that was it. No dialogue to say why. 
I reloaded it at it never did it again so this almost seems random. 

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8 hours ago, bitflipper said:


DX is a software spec. It doesn't require any specific hardware support. It's not going obsolete. DX isn't just for music production. It's used by thousands, perhaps millions of business applications that Microsoft isn't going to suddenly kill. The "X" in X-Box has the same meaning as the "X" in DX. Bottom line is you needn't worry about your DX plugins suddenly dropping dead on you. As long as Cakewalk continues to support them, you're good.

The article I read was on Tom's Hardware. I mistakenly thought support was being withdrawn for new processors but it's actually older processors (4th gen) that are losing support. 

intel shutting down DirectX 12 support for some older processors


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14 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

The article I read was on Tom's Hardware. I mistakenly thought support was being withdrawn for new processors but it's actually older processors (4th gen) that are losing support. 

intel shutting down DirectX 12 support for some older processors


Thanks for looking that up, Bill. I don't spend as much time at Tom's as I used to, so I miss little tidbits like that.

Fortunately, they're talking about video drivers, which should impact almost no one. Even if you are one of the people affected by this, your DX plugins won't stop working in your DAW. For that matter, even if you're playing an 8-year-old video game on your 8-year-old computer you probably won't be affected, either.

btw, I am on a 7-year-old computer myself and happily playing the latest video games on it at Ultra video settings (with a recently upgraded video card).

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4 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Thanks for looking that up, Bill. I don't spend as much time at Tom's as I used to, so I miss little tidbits like that.

Fortunately, they're talking about video drivers, which should impact almost no one. Even if you are one of the people affected by this, your DX plugins won't stop working in your DAW. For that matter, even if you're playing an 8-year-old video game on your 8-year-old computer you probably won't be affected, either.

btw, I am on a 7-year-old computer myself and happily playing the latest video games on it at Ultra video settings (with a recently upgraded video card).

Thanks. Glad it won't affect DX plugins. My processor is a 6850k. That's a little newer than the 4000 series numbers in the article. But it is  too old for Win11.

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On 11/9/2021 at 7:24 PM, John Vere said:

Ya, I have scanned all the freebie Delays and downloaded a few. Not even close. It seems odd because delay doesn't have to be as complicated as a lot of them seem to be. I got spoiled by my Yamaha 01v delay which had tap tempo and a very similar interface as the Sonitus.  I have been trying the  Voxingo Tempo delay that seems the best so far, 

Well, I'm constantly doing the same thing and these 5 are interesting to me. None are very similar to Sonitus Delay, but there may be one here that you haven't looked at and seems interesting to you. They are sorted top to bottom from basic to interesting. All are 64-bit. Only the last one is VST3.

Sanford Delay

Valhalla FreqEcho


UrsaDSP Lagrange

Valhalla Supermassive

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Thanks Bill. I had already tried most of those. But The Sanford stuff looks interesting I downloaded 4 things from there, I also didn't have the La Grange. The Boz delay seems to be $ 30 can.      The hard to find feature is the sync to host. Sure most you can set the tempo, but if the song has a tempo map with changes things get ugly.  

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1 minute ago, John Vere said:

 The hard to find feature is the sync to host. Sure most you can set the tempo, but if the song has a tempo map with changes things get ugly.  

IMMSMW, the Sanford stuff ha been around a while but I avoided because it was 32-bit. I think 64-bit update is recent. 

I can't check right now but I believe all 4 of those support tempo sync. 

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On the topic of DX. I just found 30 I didn’t know I had ! 

I downloaded those delays posted above to my “testing “ computer in the office.
First I got sidetracked by Cakewalk update, then after I installed them I got hugely distracted by organizing my plug ins. I test everything on this machine before committing to my main DAW so it gets messy. 
There was a lot of stuff in the un categorized file. Lots of doubles and then I started noticing a lot of DX with very plain names like Reverb. 

Looks like Sony Vegas ( Movie Studio Plat ) dumped about 30 of these into one of my VST folders. Talk about un glamorous GUI interfaces. Most are 2 sliders on a grey background. 

I opened the Plug in Manager and Excluded them all. 

Then I spent the evening trying all the plug ins I wasn’t sure about and one by one excluding most of  those too. I then put what was left in the proper category folder. So now I’m a tidy hoarder. Not one of those who parks their car outside because their garage is full of junk. 


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Just did a Delay shootout of the collection I had.  

Top pick is Voxengos Tempo delay.   Tempo sync with a readout and multiplier ( important) , VST 3,   Easy to set even though it's a bit complicated to look at. 

 Runners up

Sanford Delay  VST2  Has a good tempo sync using note values and like the sonitus you can set them different left and right.  Small volume drop on insert. Hard to smooth it out it sort of choppy but that can be what you want sometimes. 

Cakewalks Tempo Delay,  its DX! but it has tempo sync with only note values  Volume drops on inserting. Can sort of get close to what you want but limited. 

 Sphere delay by WA Productions.  VST 3, Tempo Sync  but no readout or adjustments. It does sound good even though it is limited in tweaking.   This is not normally  free but I got is as a freebie of the week from Plug in Boutique,  glad I didn't buy it. 

La Grange  by Ursa DSP  VST 3   Tempo sync but no adjustments  a fun delay with bizarre results well worth collecting.  

Screenshot (225).png

Edited by John Vere
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