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No audio unless whole project in solo

Michael Reynolds

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  • 11 months later...

Hi All,

I have faced with the same issue v. 2023.09 (Build 075, x64)

Sound only worked in solo mode, and I found out the way how to fix.

Make a copy of your project and start playing all tracks and remove them one by one until sound appears (in my case it was only one broken track). Then reload original project and remove the track with issue and sound will work.

Hope it helps someone.

Edited by Pavlo
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  • 6 months later...

Alright so i just had this exact same problem and found a solution that worked for me. 

Selected all my drum tracks (about 10) and soloed all of them. I then recorded a guitar track and one i was finished recording this problem occurred. 


I then selected all of the drum tracks that I had soloed during the process of recording my guitar and put them into a folder (which is an awesome feature that i didn't know about). I archived the new drum folder and then unarchived it and the problem was fixed.

Lmk if this works for you!

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  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone. There was such a problem. I decided simply. For some reason, one track turned out to be in solo mode, but it was not displayed externally. The green button on the track was not lit. I went to track management and saw which track was playing solo. I turned on and off the solo button on it and everything naturally worked.

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  • 1 month later...

Just had this same problem. This is what worked for me.

Open the Console Panel.

Click on Strips.

Open the Track Manager.

Look at the list of tracks and see if any say "Solo'd" beside them. I had about 6 showing solo'd but they were NOT showing solo'd in the console or anywhere else.

On the Console Panel, go to each track that shows solo'd in the track manager. Solo it, then unsolo it.

Do this for each of the secretly solo'd tracks.

After I solo'd/unsolo'd the sixth one, my sound came back.

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