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VST Bug: Can't run Neochip

John Te

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I can't run NeoChip vst plugin on my system:


also for 32-bit plugins, whenever the window is active, midi input doesn't work - atleast on the computer keyboard, not sure if this applies to midi keyboard as well.

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I've tested it running fine on LMMS and Reaper. It's a plus if they can make it work in cakewalk too.

I'm grateful to have cakewalk for free, so no complains if it doesn't get included. However, isn't having more plugin support a WIN-WIN scenario? I'm submitting just in case they could include it in the next update.

Edited by John Te
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11 minutes ago, pwalpwal said:

maybe suggest one? rather than just being snarky?

I'm going on the assumption that the OP has internet access and knows how to use a browser.

Should I go over to his house and install it for him too? Good God!

My advice is to not waste time fighting with 32bit abandonware.

Maybe you need to be less sensitive on others' behalf. He's a big boy. I'm sure he can find something suitable.

Edited by bdickens
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Which I did.

Fighting with 32bit abandonware just isn't something I consider productive. But then, I'm more interested in making music than conquering IT challenges. Thus my solution is to ditch it and move on.

I am woefully not well informed regarding chiptune music and the subtleties and intricate nuances of the genre so am unable to discern what might be considered authentic or not.  Therefore I shall refrain from making any specific recommendation other than "Don't waste time with  32bit abandonware," which is something I can do with confidence.


20 minutes ago, pwalpwal said:

it's all about addressing the op and offering ideas or sometimes solutions ?‍♂️


Edited by bdickens
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I am not gonna touch the "attitude" issue because I'd hate to see the thread closed.  PLUS:

When I first tried NeoChip a few minutes ago, it did not work.  The transport stalled with "processing tracks audio" or something and I had to kill CbB.  Next I tried the 32-bit version of NanoHost.  I got a string of error messages stating one module after another couldn't load.


I opened a simple *.cwp project I created to  test Dim Pro 1.5 and did the "Replace Synth" option.


It booted in CbB.  Not only that, but my midi usb keyboard can play it using BitBridge.  Not sure if its the one from Cakewalk or one I downloaded.  

However, there seem to be compatibility issues with the plug-in.  While it will play, once I minimized the NeoChip UI, I couldn't restore it.  Also, changing patches via track widgets doesn't seem to work. UPDATE:  For the first test, I neglected to change the channel widget. So, once I set [ C ] to 1: NeoChip, then [ B ] = 0 and [ P ] = 0 to 31 successfully changed the NeoChip preset.  (CbB works as expected; not a bug.)


I closed the project and reopened it.  The NeoChip UI is there and I can change the presets with the top line preset selector.  And minimizing/restoring NeoChip now seems to work.

JMO: If you really want it to work in CbB, it can be done.  I would hesitate to call it a CbB bug.  OK--that's me understating it.  The fact that CbB can indeed use a 32-bit soft synth that was created in 2007 and only had one released version (so far as I can see) tells me CbB is amazing!!!!!  ? 

PS:  I will probably never use NeoChip for anything (other than testing it some more), but hey, if someone really wants to use it, I hope my explorations have been helpful.    


Edited by User 905133
(5) typo fix + correction/update re: transport message; (4) To update preset issue with [C], [B], [P] track widget details; (3) To add a PS; (2) To add a JMO comment; (1) To add more info about my NeoChip /CbB Test
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Just adding some new information on NeoChip that might be helpful to the OP or others who might really want to use old, non-updated, zero-revision 32-bit plug-ins [aka abandonware, hobbyist plug-ins, etc.].

ALSO: It >>might<< be useful for CbB users who have older projects with older plug-ins that work when loaded in the older project but which cause issues under other circumstances.

Several times today my NeoChip.cwp file opened and worked right away.  So, I wanted to see if I could create a new project with NeoChip.  Again, I started a new project using "--My Blank Template--*" [my customized default]. As before, from the menu bar I used Insert > Soft Synth... and chose the 32-bit NeoChip plug-in which I had added to my scan path [no installer; its in "Downloads"; previous added to CbB via a manual VST scan--no scanning errors].

CbB hung with "Processing tracks . . . " in the transport [not "Processing audio . . ." as I misremembered when I first did it].  So I killed it in task manager and rebooted CbB.

Tried the "Replace Synth" strategy.  Started a new project using "--My Blank Template--*" but this time I inserted a different 32-bit plug-in that has been in my arsenal for ages--something called photon that might have been made with Synth Edit. There were two modules that couldn't be loaded.  But photon worked.  At that point I used right-click in track pane > Replace Synth and switched it to NeoChip.  It worked.

I have seen issues mentioned years with some hobbyist plug-ins developed using Synth Edit. Just a guess (100% speculation), but maybe Cakewalk has some code that can handle some of these issues and under certain circumstances those ancient plugins will load and will run. Or maybe its something I've seen on my PC before:  it works on my system, but won't work for anyone else.

So, I am not recommending this plug-in (NeoChip), not recommending 32-bit plug-ins, etc.  But maybe, if another user really wants to use a specific ancient plug-in, these details might help.

UPDATE: Nor am I suggesting that the devs need to look into this. It is often advised not to use 32-bit plug-ins in 64-bit environments. At best, their use is "iffy." To me, its like asking for trouble.  But if the above works, I'd consider it a bonus.

Edited by User 905133
To add one more thought about the method being a bonus
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