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I'm new and Can't Install cakewalk, (Cannot locate the required version of the program on this system. Please install the correct version of the program to use this pack)

John John


I am new to cakewalk, and i've tried to search regarding to my problems and none has valuable solution to work on mine... mine is 64bit and windows 10.

everytime I press install, and after its done downloading, it says this "Cannot locate the required version of the program on this system. Please install the correct version of the program to use this pack"

please help, because I really want to try this software and learn much of it..


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There are dozens and dozens of posts same issue and same answer “ Use the Web installer “ 
How is anyone supposed to figure that out on their own? 

It would be nice if they actually get this sorted out. I believe it started in mid August. 

There are dozens of tutorials on installing Cakewalk and all use the obviously broken Assistant. 

Cakewalks web site also directs you to use the Assistant. 

I wonder how many people who thought they would try Cakewalk have given up and moved on?  I know I would. If software is funky to install I normally assume it must be funky to use and leave it be. 

I sure hope they get this Web Installer going and PUT IT ON THE WEB SITE! 

Edited by John Vere
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Hi. I've used Cakewalk for a year, have recorded 9 songs. Then the other day I had the bad idea of removing it from the PC and install it again as the update system didn't reintegrate some features I had at the beginning as a user. I did  but I had problems of latency as both mic and midi keyboard were late so I removed it again but now the install button doesn't appear anymore: only the update one. Which is useless because it finds nothing to update. I presume my problem is with my version of windows (7). But when 2 days ago I reinstalled the program a message appeared which allowed me to install though telling I might have had some problems. I'd like to know whether I have to install a new version of Windows (which I won't certainly do, as I am going to go update only when my PC will break down) and lose access to my files or shall I have to move to another DAW from now on? THX

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  On 11/18/2021 at 9:24 PM, Vittorio Fra said:

Hi. I've used Cakewalk for a year, have recorded 9 songs. Then the other day I had the bad idea of removing it from the PC and install it again as the update system didn't reintegrate some features I had at the beginning as a user. I did  but I had problems of latency as both mic and midi keyboard were late so I removed it again but now the install button doesn't appear anymore: only the update one. Which is useless because it finds nothing to update. I presume my problem is with my version of windows (7). But when 2 days ago I reinstalled the program a message appeared which allowed me to install though telling I might have had some problems. I'd like to know whether I have to install a new version of Windows (which I won't certainly do, as I am going to go update only when my PC will break down) and lose access to my files or shall I have to move to another DAW from now on? THX


Earlier in this thread you have a link to the web installer. Use that. It doesn't have the same problems with registry that the old and defunct Bandlab assistant.

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  On 11/19/2021 at 11:56 AM, Kurre said:

Earlier in this thread you have a link to the web installer. Use that. It doesn't have the same problems with registry that the old and defunct Bandlab assistant.


Thanx. I've installed it but it gives me the same troubles I had before plus other ones (it doesn't play the cakewalk drum kit, says I've removed it). .Wouldn't it be possible to get an older version? Thanks again.

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  On 11/19/2021 at 6:11 PM, Vittorio Fra said:

Thanx. I've installed it but it gives me the same troubles I had before plus other ones (it doesn't play the cakewalk drum kit, says I've removed it). .Wouldn't it be possible to get an older version? Thanks again.


The Studio Instruments installer puts files in three locations. The default location for  these files are:
Folders for each plug-in under "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" for documentation, resources and samples
Folders for each plug-in under "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" for the plug-in dlls
Folders for each plug-in under "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" for patterns and programs

If you feel confident using the registry. Try remove all entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers from the registry and run webinstaller again. Maybe the webinstaller doesn't ignore that registry setting after all.

The only thing with windows 7 and Cakewalk addons is that you don't get Melodyne installed any longer because it's win 10 only.

(I think. Haven't tested to move an audiofile to a miditrack. Only know the web installer refused to install it.)

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  On 11/19/2021 at 7:09 PM, scook said:

The Cakewalk Web Installer is much easier and safer than editing the registry.

It allows running the add-on installers as often as necessary.


Well...you see, i doublechecked my facts by searching on this forum. There's one more user that have problem with missing Cakewalk instrument and using the web installer without success. So i gave him some options.

Vittorio Fra have unusual symptoms and it could possible be a whole other thing that's the problem. Virus software as Defender. Read and write permissions on files and folders. And more...

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  On 11/19/2021 at 7:04 PM, Vittorio Fra said:

THX. First though I want to try to find some earlier version online. I think that would be the fastest way to restore my  projects and MO. If that doesn't work I'll follow your suggestions. THX again.


There is only one way to go back to an earlier version and that is to use the "rollback installer".

You find it in the early access threads. Each early access has its own rollback installer.

In theory you should be able to go back one step at the time with the rollback installers until you reach the oldest version of Cakewalk.

That's lot of work and i doubt it would work without a hitch.

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  On 11/19/2021 at 9:44 PM, Kurre said:

Well...you see, i doublechecked my facts by searching on this forum. There's one more user that have problem with missing Cakewalk instrument and using the web installer without success. So i gave him some options.


There was a problem with the SI installer that was fixed in Oct.

AFAIK, there are no problems with the Cakewalk Web Installer at this time.

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  On 11/20/2021 at 12:03 AM, John Vere said:

Mr Fra  is a Windows 7 hold out. To me if you have decided there’s something evil about W10 then you better be prepared for the day that you can’t install anything anymore. 


I get irritated when i read this win10 fanboy shit.

There is no indication that the os version has anything to do with this!

I use win7, win8.1 and win10. All work fine with Cakewalk.

Vittorio Fra should make an os image. Then he can always go back to a functional state as long as his pc hardware hold together. Win7 can make an image of itself without third party software.

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Fanboy?  Hardly. I could careless what OS you use. I still have XP on my netbook. I also have W7 on a laptop and these are both because I have hardware such as a printer, scanner and a very cool PCI audio interface that need those OS. 
So there’s people who run old OS versions for compatibility issues but then there are what I call holdouts who have it in their heads that the new OS is evil. ?   We seem to get this with every new version of Windows. 

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Ok. I'm letting this go.

I could make a 2000 word explanation with facts why you both could be accused of going off topic with your posts. I do not want to do that. I don't like to be forced to use my time and energy to educate you. Your parents should have done that.

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So I found an earlier version and now I'm back to normal. Actually, some of the free VST  I had tried to install in the past and weren't working now they're there. I think that Cakewalk should warn users of the problems one might find by using older versions of Windows and warn also never to update the version they're using unless they have ad adequate version of Windows. THX everybody for the help.

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I found a link that would let me install Cakewalk on drive ? then my ? drive died on me. I trying to find the link to the installer that has the advanced option in it. This install doesn't appear to have that option. Can anyone tell me where it is located or the url for the installer please?

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