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a WereWolf song... "The Payment"

bats brew

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On 10/29/2021 at 7:34 PM, MarkusClinus said:

Hi Rob,  I haven't seen you in a while - hope all is good with you (CLEAN here). As always - this is an amazing song - top-notch playing and your production work is as good as any I hear anywhere. Fantastic as always - I'll always be a fan.

hey clean!

i'm always here... and a few other places, i make myself available! LOL


thanks for listening...

this is one i first recorded back in 2001, i think... started on a little roland VS-880ex, then graduated to a VS 1880, then to sonar cakewalk!

i've just finished re-recording and mixing a new version of this,

but it didn't get done in time for halloween this year...


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23 hours ago, antler said:

I like the classic rock vibe of this one - great production too. Good job!

hey antler! yea, kind of came at this one with just a basic rock groove in mind.

i'm working on a new mix of this,

that is a bit less harsh.

thanks for commenting!


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On 10/31/2021 at 12:04 PM, Makke said:

Great music and video.... strong melodic rock song.

Good arrangement and sounds.

hi makke! thanks for listening...

this was a fun thing to do, originally done just for a halloween style song for a collection of tunes to go on a small label release.

over the years, i've tweaked it and tweaked it,

and in fact, just finished a new mix of this thing, but i didn't get it done in time to release this year.

i'll fix the video and put it out next year.

nobody cares about werewolves during the 'in between' months.


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3 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Woudl it be wrong to suggest you write something new, as fun as this is?

it is new, wookiee...

to those who have never heard it before!!

heheh, god help us if we never get any new blood around here,

and posting a halloween specific song, on just halloween each year...

where's the problem with that?

lord knows, i write new stuff all the time!!

and sometimes i post em here, and it's crickets!!

crickets, i tell you....


as fun as it is,

yes, i would suggest that is is wrong to suggest!! LOL



maybe next year, i'll write a mummy song.

it will be slow and plodding.....





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4 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Would it be wrong to suggest you write something new....

well, just for wookiee, and in the spirit of 'newness', i'll post something here i've never posted before:


it's a demo, from 1987, done on a small cassette 4-track machine, with many bounced overdubs..

called "Show Some Skin"



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