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Scorpins for Breakfast, and a Pastry too.

Jesse Screed

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Hey Jesse,

on the road and behind on my reviews. Had a chance to get caught up this morning. 
U asked me to Dee Cide and it’s ?’s ?’s!

wish I had the time and resources to produce ( which basically means turn you loose and stay out of the way).

 I tend to prefer the more structured tunes Oil, Dee Cide, Choke It; but it’s all good!

keep it up!!

and please, leave them up; don’t “purge” your channel.


”you got to get an album out, you owe it to the people “

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  On 10/27/2021 at 5:16 PM, Bapu said:

Sounds like a drunk tune up session. In a good way of course.


you must swim before you may crawl

you must crawl before you may walk

you must walk before you may run

you must run before you may fly

you must fly before you can reach the sky

and then you crash into the sea again-----ornette coleman


this was like a 12 hour jam, I just cut some out, sometimes we imbibed, and we did get Indian food takeout, but mostly we jammed


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