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Choosing A Guitar Synth


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I'm considering buying Evolution Strawberry to use for guitar sounds in Cakewalk by BandLab.  It looks like it does everything I could want, but it is a little expensive.  Do you recommend some other software of similar features?

Edited by DallasSteve
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Orange Tree Samples stuff is worth every buck. There's quite nothing like them.

But if they are too expensive for you then maybe check out some of Indiginus's guitars, especially Renegade: http://indiginus.com/renegade.html

Ilya Efimov has some great sounding guitars as well: http://www.ilyaefimov.com/products/electric-guitars.html

But those are not match for Orange Tree.

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Thanks for the reply.  Indiginus looks like it's plenty powerful for me, but it says it requires the full retail Kontakt and won't work with Kontakt Player.  Evolution Strawberry, I think, works with Kontakt Player so it may be no more expensive than going the other route.  So I will probably go with Evolution Strawberry since it does seem very powerful and their customer support has been working hard to answer my questions.  The price isn't a deal breaker for me.  It's been more a question of whether my i5 processor is strong enough to handle it.  I've been trying out Cakewalk and Kontakt on my laptop and so far haven't had any latency problems so hopefully I won't be disappointed.


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The UJAM virtual guitarist range is great for rhythm stuff - I use all four of them. Note that any latency issues can be fixed by checking the "Load with JBridge Wrapper" option in the plugin properties (assuming you've also got JBridge).

The NI Session Guitarists (Strummed Acoustic & Electric Sunburst) are also good for rhythm - but they're Kontakt based of course.

For lead, and for anything other than canned loops:

Amplesound do a fantastic range, and the quality is amazing:  https://www.amplesound.net/en/index.asp

SoniVox Singles are ok, but great considering the price.

All the rest, you're really at the slave of Kontakt, but they're all excellent:

  • Orange Tree Samples
  • Shreddage II
  • El3ctricity

Be warned however, there's a HUGE learning curve with the Kontakt instruments. They may cover every articulation, but this comes at the price of complexity. Be prepared to spend a lot of time in the PRV with these.

However, I wouldn't write off Rapture or Rapture Pro if you've got it. Quite often I use the raw guitar samples that come with it, and run it through TH3. The results are great.


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