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Virtually new install - TTS-1 missing already!


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I've had Cakewalk installed for about a week and I just noticed I have the "missing TTS-1" problem.

The symptoms are exactly the same as described in this thread, except for the final fix. For me, the TTS-1 DX instruments have vanished completely. They are not listed in excluded nor permanently  excluded plugins.

I did have a couple of powercuts while using Cakewalk recently, so I am wondering if the files have become corrupted. 

Any ideas of what I could try beyond a full re-install?


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If TTS-1.dll is still in "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\TTS-1" you could try re-registering the plug-in by opening up a command window as administrator and typing

regsvr32 C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\TTS-1\TTS-1.dll

If the file is not there or fails to register, a simple uninstall/reinstall using BA (or uninstall from Windows and use the Cakewalk Web Installer) should bring it back.

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After reading some of the other threads on this topic I had already tried this., but I jus did i again. The file is there, and it does register, but it doesn't bring the TTS-1 instruments back.


As per the other thread I referenced, if I open an old project  which uses the TTS-1 synth it does still work, so TTS-1 is still there, and I can also create a new TTS-1 track by using "Insert from track template" but the TTS-1 synth itself is missing from my list of instruments both in the plugins module and in Plugin Manager. 

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4 minutes ago, scook said:

Did you create that layout yourself?

Try switching layouts by clicking the triangle on the right side of the plug-in tab.

No, I'm pretty sure all I did was select "Sort by Manufacturer". But its isn't there for any of the other options either.


It just doesn't appear at all, no matter what I do. In fact I have nothing in DX Instruments in Plug In Manager.



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To switch plug-in layouts click the triangle on the right side of the plug-ins tab


It may be a corrupted layout.

The "Sort by" layouts are cached as tmp files in the plug-in layouts folder.

The default location for the plug-in layouts folder is "%appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Plug-in Menu Layouts"

The path is stored in Preferences > File > Folder Locations.

  1. Shut down CbB
  2. Delete the tmp files from the plug-in layouts folder.

This will force CbB to rebuild the layouts on startup.

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Since the plug-in still works in existing projects, it feels like a registry problem.

Try unregistering the plug-in then re-register it.

To unregister the plug-in at the command line as administrator type

regsvr32 /u C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\TTS-1\TTS-1.dll

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Almost there!

Unregistering and re-registering worked, at least insofar as I can now see TTS-1 in Plug In Manager (I also did the same for Groove Player as that was not appearing either).


However, neither are appearing in the Plugins Module. I tried resetting the personalisation by starting Cakewalk with CTRL pressed but no difference.

I guess I could make a new plugins layout with everything re-added but I was just hoping it would go back to default once the DLLs were re-registered?

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So it's day 2 of a project that indicated re-install.

How much time should be invested in this alternate strategy?

A simple uninstall/reinstall takes is a few seconds + download time. If reinstalled using the Cakewalk Web Installer, the full CbB installer will be available for future use like maybe a  clean uninstall/reinstall if the simple uninstall/reinstall does not solve the problem.

If a clean install is required. See this post to avoid losing 3rd party VST plug-ins in the default Cakewalk folder

If uninstalling is a problem, run the 2021.06 rollback (found in the 2021.09 announcement) and the 2021.04 rollback (found in the 2021.06 announcement) then update to 2021.09. This too will download and run the full 2021.09 installer.

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"Simple" uninstall / re-install didn't work.  Rather it uninstalled and reinstalled fine, but didn't behave any differently. Looks like it'll have to be a completely clean re-install. 

Thanks for your help in getting this far, anyway. 

Edited by Digsy
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3 minutes ago, bdickens said:

TTS1 is an obsolete, no-longer-maintained 32 bit  DXI.

DX plug-ins must be the same bitness as the host.

There has been a 64bit version of TTS-1 since the first release of 64bit SONAR over 15 years ago.


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If I am reading the OP correctly the larger issue is power conditioning

On 10/10/2021 at 12:28 PM, Digsy said:

I did have a couple of powercuts while using Cakewalk recently

If this means the PC lost power, a UPS is in order.

A good UPS is much cheaper than the time spent maintaining a PC suffering from unreliable power.

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It is true the plug-in is difficult to maintain but I suspect there are quite a few users who find it handy for playing MIDI files.

Regardless, the problem described in the OP could be a symptoms of a larger issue with the software after

On 10/10/2021 at 12:28 PM, Digsy said:

I did have a couple of powercuts while using Cakewalk recently

Opining on the utility of TTS-1 may miss the point of the OP.

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