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the KNEW blooz BAYbeee (mayall{ The New Blues Baby

Jesse Screed

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its actually spelt BLLOOZE or as I pronounce it B double L O O Z E; Bluz.

as in:

no food on my table
no shoes on my feet
you know I gots the Bllooze
'cause their ain't no toilet paper

Just sayin'



i would have left a "like" at Click, but I'm on my new (to me, or as you would say knew to me) laptop

Edited by DeeringAmps
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On 10/9/2021 at 7:19 AM, PhonoBrainer said:

Jeeze that was fun.  I appreciate the drums, super clear in the mix. Don't fix your vocal mic for this one, it works. Love the originality, which is becoming too weak a word to use for your songs.



This.  Your music is difficult to peg down.    it's at the *intersection* (intersectionality haha) of nausea and bliss.  I mean that in a good way.  The feeling of anticipation, or telos to where? we're not sure but it's fun getting there.


Edited by David Sprouse
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