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[SOLVED} PRV Controller Behavior. Stop The Bends!


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Is there a way for the PRV to ignore previous controller changes when re-playing a section so things like pitchbend don't throw off the notes being played while editing?

This happens when I stop playing a section before the now timeline passes through a -0- mark and then replay it - the instruments start playing at the last pitch point the timeline passed through the controller data instead of their original pitch.

The only way I know to avoid this is to go around placing -0- points for all the controllers all over the place on every track affected which is time consuming.

Edited by sjoens
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Ok.  There is not really  way for the PRV to ignore previous controller changes.  It has to be programmed in the synth.

For instance, to get a synth to not respond to pitch bend, you have to find a way to set that synths pitch bend range to zero.  The method depends on the synth.

You may be able to issue a specific NPRN command - again, depends on the synth.

Some synths respond to RPN0 > 0 (TTS-1 being an example) Events to set the pitch bend range to zero.

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Thanks for the info. Not really sure about implementing N/RPNs. Per instrument? Per project? per track? Sounds like a new learning curve for me.

Might be easier just adding -0- markers everywhere as I've done forever. Just wondered if there was  an easier way.

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5 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Not really sure about implementing N/RPNs. Per instrument? Per project? per track? Sounds like a new learning curve for me.

Might be easier just adding -0- markers everywhere as I've done forever. Just wondered if there was  an easier way.

How are the pitch bends getting there in the first place? 

I do many MIDI only projects and use pitch bend all the time. The only pitch bends that get put in there are the ones I have intentionally put in there.  I always remember to put a Bend = 0 event afterwards.  I have written a CAL script that zeros last pitch bend event of a group of selected pitch bend event to make the easier. This CAL script is bound to ALT E

I have written another CAL Script that automatically places a Bend = 0 slightly before every selected note.  If no notes are selected, it puts it at the NOW cursor.  This CAL script is bound to ALT W

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I have P/B controllers in several tracks. As I'm editing a set of notes in one track, I replay that section to hear the changes.

If I stop the PLAY when NowTime line is half way through a set of P/B controllers on any other track without passing -0- and then I move the NowTime line back to replay the same section over again, the other tracks play out of pitch.

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"Make sure you have  "Zero controllers when play stops " selected.  EDIT > PREFERENCES> PROJECT> MIDI ."


Thanks RBH! That's what I was looking for. Normally these are checked for this reason but this project had them unchecked.

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